Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (5): 17-22.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2015.05.004

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A Study of the “Shi”-causative Construction in Modern Mandarin Chinese: A Cardiff Grammar Perspective

ZHANG Jingyuan, XIA Jing   

  • Published:2020-07-25

Abstract: Based on the findings of the academic Chinese circles, this paper studies the form and meaning of the “shi”-causative construction from the Cardiff Grammar perspective. Guided by the meaning-oriented Cardiff Grammar principle, the paper establishes “Shi” as a Main Verb in the construction. Taking quite a number of sentences as examples, the paper analyzes the syntactic structure, semantic features and syntactic functions of the “shi”-causative constructions. Results of the analysis are explicitly presented with tree diagrams.

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