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    28 June 2022, Volume 22 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    How Comparative Literature Journals Respond to the Construction of New Liberal Arts
    SONG Binghui
    2022, 22 (3):  5-11.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.001
    Abstract ( 406 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (929KB) ( 193 )  

    The construction of new liberal arts aims to promote the research and innovation of humanities and social sciences through the integration of different disciplines. How should comparative literature and its journals constructed on a cross-disciplinary basis respond to this challenge and opportunity for academic development? The paper holds that comparative literature should summarize the existing cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary vision and methodology, grasp the scientific achievements in the new century and the characteristics of the highly globalized era, and learn actively from other social sciences and natural sciences, while adhering to the basic principles and core methods of comparative literature as one of the humanities. Professional academic journals should also follow the same practice to stick to academic ethics and carry out its academic purpose to function as a medium for the development of humanities scholarship in the new century.

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    Back to National Consciousness as Value-oriented Ideological and Political Education
    XUE Hexian, LI Yun
    2022, 22 (3):  11-19.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.002
    Abstract ( 351 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (1306KB) ( 215 )  

    There seems to be three sets of contradictions between national consciousness cultivation (NCC) and Foreign Language Education (FLE), namely, the contradiction between NCC and FLE in disciplinary development, the contradiction between national consciousness and international vision in talent cultivation, and the contradiction between Chinese and foreign cultural course distributions in teaching plans. However, if we return to the essence of NCC as primarily ideological and political education in curriculums and grasp the characteristics of NCC as whole-process and all-round education, understanding that NCC is value-oriented rather than knowledge-oriented education, and that Chinese national consciousness contains the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and can only be cultivated in the international perspective and the future vision of working for the welfare of all mankind, we will realize the discipline advantage of FLE in NCC cultivation. The NCC in FLE does not necessarily mean cultivation in foreign language, especially at higher education stages. As the ideological education in curriculums, it can largely be carried out in conjunction with ideological and political education, general education and innovation and entrepreneurship education under the concept of new liberal arts. As value education, it should be combined with the characteristics of FLE, to let students understand the differences and similarities of Chinese and foreign values. At the undergraduate level, comparative value courses should be offered to help students understand the socialist values with Chinese characteristics. At the graduate level, student can be encouraged to do research on Chinese values and the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, exploring how to use Chinese concepts and values to make a better future for mankind. In the process, the four-in-one principle of value, ability, integration, and innovation should be observed. The purpose is to cultivate Chinese value practitioners and disseminators with deep cultural confidence, open international vision, critical innovation ability and great humanistic sentiment.

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    Exploration and Practice of Non-lingua Franca in Central and Eastern Europe from the Perspective of Curriculum Ideology and Politics:With “Newspaper Reading in Central and Eastern European Countries” as a Case Study
    YANG Bin, JIANG Lu
    2022, 22 (3):  20-27.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.003
    Abstract ( 364 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 179 )  

    With the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and the deepening of the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries, the demand gap for high-end foreign language talents in CEE non-lingua franca is increasing. How to cultivate interdisciplinary foreign language talents with national feelings and international vision, how to construct foreign language courses with ideological and political elements, as well as a moral educational function, have become the development direction that needs to be adjusted and transformed in the construction of CEE non-lingua franca specialties in domestic universities. Based on the concept of curriculum ideology and politics, taking the educational reform in the course of “Newspaper Reading in Central and Eastern European Countries” in Beijing International Studies University as the research object, from the design of teaching goals, optimization and topicalization of teaching content, diversity of methods and means, also the innovative thinking, via the analysis of concrete teaching procedures, we are trying to explore how to embed “ideological and political” elements into the classroom teaching and implement the “three-in-one education” measures throughout the whole teaching process, so as to explore an effective path for ideological and political education to go together with professional teaching.

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    Development of Theoretical Framework and Research Focus of Language Management in the New Era
    WANG Lifei
    2022, 22 (3):  28-34.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.004
    Abstract ( 388 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (923KB) ( 187 )  

    This paper develops the concept, definition and theoretical framework of language management studies in the new era. The research framework includes six specific areas of language planning management, language education management, corporate language management, language resources management, language standardization management and emergency language management. The interrelationships among the six areas and focus of each area are elaborated in the hope of developing a theoretical system of language management, advancing its academic research, and providing some implications for the ongoing discussion of the modernization of language governance capabilities.

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    The Construction of the Chinese Language Planning Management Ecosystem
    TENG Yanjiang, WANG Lifei
    2022, 22 (3):  35-43.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.005
    Abstract ( 266 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1305KB) ( 260 )  

    Based on the interface research of language planning and language management, starting from the ecological view of language planning, the paper opens with a discussion on the connotation and research status of language planning management. Through the conceptual framework of social ecology, with its four core elements of environment, organization, population and technology, the article builds an ecological system of Chinese language planning management. Namely, environmental language planning management, organizational language planning management, population language planning management, and language technology planning management. Finally, the paper advocates the establishment of a mechanism to request multiple subjects’ participation, everyone’s collaborative sharing and co-governance, and adapting to the real language life policy on talents, to ensure the implementation of various tasks of language planning management.

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    A Diachronic Study of Literacy Policies in China
    ZHANG Zhiguo
    2022, 22 (3):  44-54.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.006
    Abstract ( 377 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (1504KB) ( 305 )  

    Anti-illiteracy movement in China has made great achievements and we should attribute this success to literacy policies. This paper firstly elaborates the notion of literacy and reviews the related theories concerning literacy policies. Then by using the data collected from The Important Educational Documentations in China from 1949 to 2008, a series of books edited by He Dongchang, the former educational minister of China, the paper summarizes the number, objects, contents and characteristics of literacy policies in China. Furthermore, this paper examines the reasons why Chinese literacy policies were so successful and finds out some drawbacks of unsuccessful policies. It is of great reference and value to conduct such a diachronic research into literacy policies in China for the study, formation and implementation of such similar literacy policies in the future.

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    Transknowletology: Its Naming and Concept Construction,
    MENG Xiangchun
    2022, 22 (3):  55-64.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.007
    Abstract ( 3089 )   HTML ( 86 )   PDF (1268KB) ( 704 )  

    With cross-cultural interaction between local knowledge and global knowledge as its fundamental rationale, and with knowledge and culture synthesized in this conception, Transknowletology, proposed by Yang Feng, integrates “knowledge” in the ontological sense into Translatology, thereby constructing a fundamentally and ultimately knowledge-centered translation theory whose major inquiry focuses on “knowledge translation” and “translated knowledge” essentially in the framework of translation studies. If it should develop following the path of “studies of knowledge translation”, the term “knowledge translation studies”, therefore, may serve as its proper name. If it develops as knowledge-rooted-and-centered translation studies, as it is intended, Transknowletology may be its possible, if not the best, name. By virtue of the naming of “Transknowletology” per se, a series of new concepts or discourses can be reversely constructed, such as “knowledge glocalization”, the “scissors differential of knowledge”, “knowledge impact”, “knowledge-culture entanglement”, the “ripple effect of knowledge”, and the “knowledge translation paradox”, thus enriching and empowering the theory in question. A complete, mature Transknowletology necessitates a proper definition of “knowledge”, the establishment of translation criteria, the organic synthesis of newly constructed concepts and discourses, self-introspection with “others” as frames of reference, and engagement in global scholarship through discourse featuring “comparative glocalism”. These endeavors may enrich and even reshape global translation studies.

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    On Translating zhishi fanyixue into Metatranslatology in the Light of its Principle of Real Meanings, Full Preparations and TT Aesthetic Conceptions
    YUE Feng, CHEN Zeyu
    2022, 22 (3):  65-73.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.008
    Abstract ( 654 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (1431KB) ( 306 )  

    Zhishi fanyixue, proposed by Professor YANG Feng, is all about the nature of translation by focusing on knowledge. According to this theory, a translated meaning unit actually consists of two parts: one is knowledge contained in the source text, the other is the added cultural messages manipulated by the translator for ideological reasons. It’s knowledge that should be translated so as not to be misleading. The translation practice described by Zhishi fanyixue is guided by the principle of real meanings, full preparations and appropriate expressions based on target-text aesthetic conceptions. By the principle of real meanings is meant that translation should translate the knowledge in the source text; by the principle of full preparations is meant that translation should take the sociolinguistic factors and reader friendliness into consideration in order to assist the readers to view the knowledge in the source text; by the principle of TT aesthetic conceptions is meant that translation should introduce the knowledge in the source text by following the aesthetic principles of target language. Since Zhishi fanyixue centers on knowledge and deals with some crucial issues of translation, it is therefore translated into metatranslatology.

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    Genealogical Review of How Travelling Theory Develops to Transknowletology
    GENG Qiang
    2022, 22 (3):  74-83.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.009
    Abstract ( 369 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (1587KB) ( 365 )  

    Responding to a question of how translation theories travel across disciplinary boundaries, this article addresses the notion of “ideas traveling”, making critical reviews of Said’s Travelling Theories and Lydia Liu’s Translingual Practices. Besides, attention is given to some research conducted within sociobiological field. This article argues that ideas can never travel without media. Central to it is translation and persons who act as connectors. Another two factors involved are the attractiveness of the ideas per se and their transmission environment. As a conclusion, the monograph of Translation Memes is criticized for its ignorance of the important role played by media in circulating ideas. Centering on the proposal of transknowletology by Chinese scholar Yang Feng, who advocates the process of transferring local knowledge to the world, this article concludes that further efforts can be devoted to the study in terms of ontology, methodology and ethics so as to consolidate transknowletology.

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    College English as General Education or Discipline-specific Education:Tthe Orientation of College English Teaching to ESP Revisited
    CAI Jigang
    2022, 22 (3):  84-91.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.010
    Abstract ( 848 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (1210KB) ( 248 )  

    College English Teaching Guidelines defines college English as general education and assigns English for specific purposes (ESP) a minor role. We believe that college English is discipline-specific education and should be orientated towards ESP. Its instrumental and humanistic harmony could be found in its pedagogy. It could not only help students engage in their disciplinary studies in English, but also improve their cross-cultural competence in the domain of their disciplines. With the credit decrease of college English, we suggest that general English and culture courses should be removed from the required courses of college English.

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    The Effect of WCF-based Languaging on Learners’ Writing Revision
    QIN Lili, NIU Baogui
    2022, 22 (3):  92-101.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.011
    Abstract ( 395 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (1016KB) ( 271 )  

    The study compared the effects of written languaging (WL) on learners’ writing revision based on direct/indirect written corrective feedback (WCF). 12 participants were divided into two groups with insignificant difference according to their language proficiency test scores (6 participants/group). All participants completed the following tasks in sequence: writing the draft, receiving direct/indirect WCF, taking part in WL, and revising the draft. The researchers then analyzed the drafts, the revised drafts and the text of WL. It was found that, in both groups, the number of errors in the original and the revised drafts was significantly different. That is, the latter was significantly lower than the former. In addition, no significant differences were found between the two groups in terms of error correction rate. However, indirect WCF-based WL was more effective in improving the quality of writing.

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    Developments of Language Transfer Studies during the Past 30 Years
    GAI Feihong
    2022, 22 (3):  113-121.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.013
    Abstract ( 735 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 419 )  

    Undergoing briefly four phases, language transfer research (LTR) has experienced unprecedented development since 30 years ago. Many important empirical discoveries and theoretical advances have been springing up in recent years, which are aimed to reveal how languages interact with each other in the brain and to explore the factors that influence language transfer in the complex, dynamic and systematic way. Standing in the frontier of LTR, the generative approach focuses on L1 transfer in relation to syntax. Contrastively, conceptual transfer approach, closely connected with linguistic relativity and neo-Whorfianism, is mainly concerned with how L1 concepts are transferred to L2 discourse. Language transfer could be better explained with the Complex Dynamic Systems Theory and the potentially concept-based multicompetence model. And relative studies should encompass linguistic and non-linguistic factors, compare languages horizontally and/or longitudinally, and describe and explicate transfer by interdisciplinary and multi-perspective ways.

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    A Meta-functional Analysis of Citations in the English MA Theses in Linguistics
    TANG Wei, LIN Zheng jun
    2022, 22 (3):  122-130.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.014
    Abstract ( 303 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (1462KB) ( 146 )  

    In Linguistic MA theses, citations are used to express rich ideational meaning in terms of the construction of experiential meaning. However, Chinese EFL learners do not sufficiently cite the author’s research methods and opinions. With regard to interpersonal negotiation, reporting verbs are overused to express neutral or positive meaning, which weakens the critique. Moreover, Chinese EFL learners are more inclined to employ citations from a single source, exerting negative influence on the interpersonal negotiation between the writer and the author. In textual organization, Chinese EFL learners cannot fully integrate the author and cited content into citations compared with English native speakers.

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    Zero-verbal Existential Construction: Syntactic and Semantic Features and Cognitive Interpretation
    CAO Yang, TONG Jiawei
    2022, 22 (3):  131-139.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.015
    Abstract ( 317 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF (1297KB) ( 184 )  

    Zero-verbal Existential Construction is a special type of Chinese Existential Construction. This paper classifies Zero-verbal Existential Construction through the semantic relations between NPL and NP in space and explores the syntactic and semantic features of Zero-verbal Existential Construction. Specifically, Zero-verbal Existential Construction is usually formed as ‘NPL NP’ structure and it mainly includes three types: partially-occupied ‘NPL NP,’ fully-quantitative ‘NPL NP’ and all-around ‘NPL NP.’ Extreme spatiality, which is reflected in the spatiality of the scene of ‘existence’ encoded by the constructional constituents of ‘NPL NP’ structure, is the most prominent semantic feature of Zero-verbal Existential Construction. Within the framework of cognitive linguistics, this paper claims that Zero-verbal Existential Construction conforms to the principle of cognitive economy, and it is a construction based on ‘Container Schema’ and expressing the scene of ‘existence’ through the grounded quantitative structure. Due to the high degree of spatiality in Chinese and Zero-verbal Existential Construction, ‘NPL NP’ structure expressing the scene of ‘existence’ is not allowed in many other languages.

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    A Study on the Relevance between L2 Writing Complexity and L1 Transfer
    GUO Jia, YANG Lei, WANG Shuang, ZHANG Dan
    2022, 22 (3):  140-148.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.016
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    Writing complexity and L1 transfer have been the focus of L2 writing research, while the relevance between them is seldom explored. Based on the errors that Chinese English learners often make in L2 writing, this paper discusses the relationship between L1 transfer and the complexity of L2 writing output by sorting out the types of errors caused by negative transfer of L1. In view of the two major types of interference of L1 transfer, this paper conducts a detailed analysis about the L2 writing production of three different types of writing assignment, participants of which are 60 university students. The results indicate the degree of positive and negative transfer of L1 are consistent in different writing styles, and the incidence of preclusive interference is significantly higher than intrusive interference in negative transfer. In addition, there is a certain negative correlation between lexical, syntactic complexity of L2 writing and the degree of positive transfer of L1, that is, the higher the degree of positive L1 transfer, the lower the lexical and syntactic complexity.

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    Japanese Pronunciation Teaching based on Acoustical Visualization
    LIU Jiaqi, LI Xin
    2022, 22 (3):  149-156.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.03.017
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    This paper discusses the application of acoustical visualization in Japanese suprasegmental pronunciation teaching. Acoustical visualization, when applied in foreign language pronunciation teaching, could help students effectively integrate visual and auditory information, and thus enhance their understanding of abstract speech signals and phonological rules; the human-machine interaction also could improve the efficiency of pronunciation learning, and thus improve their self-monitoring ability. Based on this, the current paper first summarizes previous research findings of Japanese suprasegmental (including accent and sentence-medial and sentence-final intonation) acquisition by Chinese learners within the second language acquisition framework, and then provides concrete methods of teaching Japanese suprasegmental pronunciation to Chinese learners via observing and comparing acoustic parameters of speech sounds. At the end, it discusses the application value of using acoustical visualization in Japanese suprasegmental pronunciation teaching as well as its feasibility.

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