当代外语研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (11): 31-36.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2014.11.006

• 文学伦理学专栏(特约主持人:聂珍钊) • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华中农业大学,武汉,430070
  • 出版日期:2014-11-28 发布日期:2020-07-25
  • 作者简介:柏灵,华中农业大学外国语学院副教授。主要研究方向为童话研究、安徒生研究、欧美儿童文学研究。电子邮箱:bolingiswode@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Metamorphosis·Growing-up·Ethical Choice: An Ethical Reading of Andersen's Metamorphosis Fairy Tales

BO Ling   

  • Online:2014-11-28 Published:2020-07-25

摘要: 变形是神话和民间故事中常见的母题。在其童话创作中,安徒生将变形与成长结合起来,以变形探讨人性本质,进而表现成长的伦理意义。文章认为:在安徒生的变形童话中,从人兽混合体向人的变形是成年的隐喻;从人向兽的变形导致身份难题,是促使儿童主人公进入社会化过程的动因;从人向石头的变形是成长中断的象征性表达。变形童话突显出人的伦理本质和成长的伦理意义:人是斯芬克斯因子的存在。斯芬克斯因子包含人性因子和兽性因子,人性因子是人类向文明进化的过程中促使自身进化为人的因素,其核心是伦理意识;兽性因子是人身上的非理性因素,是动物性本能在进化过程后的遗留。安徒生童话中的变形可以看作是斯芬克斯因子不同变化组合的结果。当人性因子能够控制兽性因子时,变形主人公变形成人;当受制于兽性因子,为欲望所控制时,变形主人公失去人的身份,变形为兽或其他非生命物质。成长的实质是形成伦理意识,成长为伦理意义上的人。安徒生的变形童话试图引导儿童认识人与兽的区别,进而引导他们在成长过程中作出正确的伦理选择。

关键词: 安徒生童话, 变形, 成长, 斯芬克斯因子, 文学伦理学批评, 伦理选择

Abstract: Metamorphosis is a motif often used in literary works. In his fairy tales, Andersen creatively connects the motif of metamorphosis with maturation. He presents the ethical dimension of humanity through metamorphosis and explores the meaning of growing up. Andersen creatively imbeds initiation ritual in transformation from animal-human hybrid to human being, connects human-to-animal transformation with the drive of socialization, and presents petrifaction as a metaphor of the termination of growing-up. By connecting metamorphosis with maturation, Andersen brings a new ethical dimension to this traditional motif, presenting growing-up as an ethical rebirth. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, metamorphosis results from the change of Sphinx Factor, which is constituted by human factor and animal factor. Human factor, as a result of ethical choice, comes into being during the process of civilization, with moral consciousness as its core, while animal factor, the irrational one, is the legacy of human beings' animal ancestors, with desire at its central place. In fairy tales with metamorphosis motif, the protagonist can successfully transform to human being and, at the same time, grow up, when he or she becomes morally conscious and can restrain their irrational desire; if the protagonist surrenders to his or her desire, he or she will be changed into animal or inanimate being, with their maturation and socialization process terminated. With its ethical implication, in Andersen's metamorphosis fairy tales, maturation means to form an ethical identity, becoming morally conscious and capable of making ethical choice. Imbedding the ethical implication in metamorphosis, Andersen aims to set up model figures to help children understand the difference between man and animal, and thus guide their ethical choices.
