组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6): 303-312.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2017.06.001

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  1. 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院整复外科;温州医科大学附属第二医院手外科;北京积水潭医院手外科;重庆医科大学附属儿童医院整形手外科;山东大学第二医院手足外科;无锡第九人民医院小儿骨科;西安市红会医院手外科;郑州市骨科医院手外科;中国医学科学院整形外科医院整形11科;南方医科大学第三附属医院儿童骨科
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-01 发布日期:2020-07-23

Expert Consensus Statement on Congenital Syndactyly

WANG Bin,GAO Weiyang,LIU Bo,TIAN Xiaofei,HU Yong,SHEN Xiaofang,ZHANG Hongxing,BAI Chenping,WANG Yang,ZANG Mengqing,Ding Jian,TAN Wei,HAN Gang,SUN Wenhai   

  • Received:2017-12-01 Published:2020-07-23
  • Contact: 国家自然科学基金

摘要: 并指畸形(Syndactyly)是最常见的手部先天性畸形之一。表现为相邻指/趾间软组织和(或)骨骼不同程度的融合,可伴发多指、屈指、短指、先天性指间关节融合等。表现变异性及不完全外显率,使并指畸形的诊疗缺乏清晰的路径。多年来对该疾病的处理以经验为依据,缺乏对基因学研究的了解和治疗策略的参考。为进一步规范并指畸形的诊疗,更新治疗策略,中华医学会手外科学分会手部先天畸形学组、中国医师协会美容与整形医师分会手整形专委会、中国康复医学会修复重建外科学分会四肢畸形学组,汇集全国10家著名医学院校及附属医院专家进行专题研讨,同时借鉴和参考国内外近年来的研究成果,制定“先天性并指畸形诊疗的专家共识”,供临床医师参考。

关键词: 先天性, 并指畸形, 专家共识

Abstract: Syndactyly is one of the most common congenital hand differences, characterized with certain degrees of fusion of adjacent digits in soft tissues or bones. It can be associated with polydactyly, camptodactyly, brachydactyly or symphalangism. Diversity of manifestations and incomplete penetration of heritage make the diagnosis and treatment lack of a clear routine. The management of syndactyly was based on the individual experience over the past years with shortage of the knowledge in genetics and surgical strategy. Therefore, to standardize the treatment and update the surgical procedure in syndactyly, to decrease the huge waste of medical resources, the Hand Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Doctor Association and Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine convened an expert panel specialized in syndactyly with 10 famous domestic medical colleges and affiliated hospitals, to discuss and formulate about the spectrum of diagnosis and treatment. The consensus statement on diagnosis and clinical management of syndactyly was established for clinical references.

Key words: Congenital, Syndactyly, Expert consensus
