组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 218-240.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2013.04.011

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  1. 洛阳正骨医院
  • 发布日期:2020-07-23

Treatment of Chronic Mallet Finger Deformity by Micro Arc Bone Anchor Combining Palmaris Longus Tendon Graft

YAO Junna,DU Zhijun,ZHAO Zuogong,LuoYang Orthopedic Traumatological Hospital   

  • Published:2020-07-23

摘要: 目的探讨微型骨锚联合掌长肌腱腱片移植治疗陈旧性锤状指畸形的疗效。方法本组共16例陈旧性锤状指畸形患者,均采用微型锚钉联合掌长肌腱腱片重建伸肌腱止点的方法进行治疗,术后6周开始功能锻炼。定期随访,并进行功能评定。结果随访时间为4~10个月。本组患者术后未出现伤口感染或骨锚植入后异物反应,X线检查未见骨锚松动及脱落。术后远侧指间关节稳定性良好。按Dargan方法评定主动活动范围,优12例,良2例,可l例,差l例。结论微型骨锚联合掌长肌腱腱片移植治疗陈旧性锤状指畸形,手术简便,可明显纠正畸形,效果肯定,值得推广应用。

关键词: 骨锚, 掌长肌腱, 锤状指畸形

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical outcomes of treating chronic mallet finger deformity by micro arc bone anchor combined with palmaris longus tendon graft. Methods All16 cases suffering from chronic mallet finger deformity were treated by micro arc bone anchors combining with palmaris longus tendon graft to rebuild the insertions of extensor tendon. Functional exercises, regular reviews and functional assessments were started 6 weeks after surgery. Results All the patients were followed up for 4-10 months, no operational infection or foreign body reaction was observed. The X-ray films showed no loose or fell off of micro-anchors. The distal inter-phalangeal joints were stable with excellent in 12 cases, good in 2 cases, passable in 1 case and unsatisfactory in 1 case according to Dargan's method. Conclusion The treatment of chronic mallet finger deformity by micro arc bone anchor combining palmaris longus tendon graft is simple in process and certain in effects. It is a better method to rebuild the insertions of extensor tendon and is worthy to popularize.

Key words: Bone anchor, Palmaris longus tendon, Mallet finger deformity
