组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2009, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (6): 314-317.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.004

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  1. 浙江工业大学; 上海组织工程研究与开发中心
  • 发布日期:2020-07-23

Construction of PLGA Release Microspheres with Adjustable Acidic Degradation Properties

XIE Shujun, CEN Lian2, ZHU Qing1, CUI Lei2, LIU Wei2, CAO Yilin2   

  1. 1 Zhejiang University of Technology; Hangzhou 310014; China; 2 Shanghai Tissue Engineering Research and Development Center; Shanghai 200235; China.
  • Published:2020-07-23

摘要: 目的制备具有酸性自中和能力的聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid),PLGA]微球,用于可注射组织工程支架材料或药物释放。方法用二次乳化的方法,将具有缓冲能力的三聚磷酸盐(TPP)包埋于PLGA微球内,制备出PLGA/TPP的复合微球。结果PLGA与TPP以64:1的摩尔比混合时,所制备的PLGA/TPP微球在降解过程中能很好地维持pH值中性,在降解28 d后周围pH值仍为6.93,远高于同样条件下单纯PLGA降解时周围的pH值6.66(P<0.05)。TPP盐颗粒的量对PLGA微球的降解影响很大,当TPP的量增加到12:1时,降解时的酸性要比单纯PLGA微球更为严重,在降解28 d后的pH值低于纯的PLGA微球,仅为6.35(P<0.05)。结论具有缓冲能力的TPP的适量加入,能够有效地调节PLGA微球在降解过程中所产生的酸,从而缓解周围环境pH值下降的问题,但当TPP的量超过一定值时,反而加快PLGA微球的降解。

关键词: 聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物, 聚磷酸盐, 包埋, 降解

Abstract: Objective To construct poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)(PLGA) micro-spheres with adjustable acidic degradation properties for application as an injectable scaffold in tissue engineering and carriers of drug release.Methods Sodium tripolyphosphate(TPP) was encapsulated by using W/O/W double-emulsion solvent evaporation method into PLGA micro-spheres.Results When the mixing molar ratio of PLGA to TPP was 64:1,the pH value of the solution containing PLGA/TPP micro-spheres could be well maintained at a neutral condition during the degradation of PLGA.The pH value of the resulting solution after being degraded for 28 days was 6.93,significantly higher than that of the respective one containing the pristine PLGA micro-spheres under the same condition(P<0.05).The amount of TPP could render a dramatic effect on the degradation behaviors of PLGA.When the molar ratio of PLGA to TPP was increased into 12:1,the pH value of the solution containing those PLGA/TPP micro-spheres would decrease to 6.35 after being degraded for 28 days,significantly lower than that of the pristine PLGA micro-spheres at the same time point(pH=6.66)(P<0.05).Conclusion The addition of such kind of salt with strong buffering capacity can efficiently neutralize the acid produced from the degradation of PLGA micro-spheres so as to prohibit the decrease in the pH value of the surrounding environment.However,if too much salt were used,the degradation of PLGA micro-spheres would also be accelerated.

Key words: PLGA, Polyphosphate salt, Encapsulation, Degradation
