组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 425-.

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TAPAS 皮瓣在颜面部修复中的临床应用现状


  • 出版日期:2023-08-01 发布日期:2023-09-06

 Clinical application of TAPAS flap in face reconstruction

  • Online:2023-08-01 Published:2023-09-06


颞浅动脉蒂耳后反流岛状皮瓣又被称为 TAPAS 皮瓣,是以颞浅动脉为蒂形成耳后岛状皮瓣进行转移修复的技术。岛状 TAPAS 皮瓣从 20 世纪 80 年开始应用于临床,经不断创新并与预构皮瓣等新技术结合,发展成能同时携带多种组织进行复杂重建的皮瓣,被应用于鼻、眼睑、眶周等的修复。本文就 TAPAS 皮瓣在颜面部修复中的临床应用现状进行综述。



 Temporal artery postauricular skin flap, also known as TAPSA flap, is a technique for transposition of posterior auricular island flap, by pedicled with superficial temporal artery. Island TAPAS flap has been used in clinic practice since 1980s. After continuous innovation and combined with new technologies such as prefabricated flap, it has developed into a flap that could carry a variety of tissues at the same time for complex reconstruction. It has been used in the repair of organs such as nose, eyelid and periorbital reconstruction, which represents indispensable medical and aesthetic significance. In this paper, the clinical application of TAPAS flap in face reconstruction was reviewed.

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