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空天防御  2024, Vol. 7 Issue (4): 7-17    
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何国强1, 秦飞1, 魏祥庚1, 张铎1, 玉选斐1, 魏黎明2
1. 西北工业大学 固体推进全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072; 2. 上海机电工程研究所,上海 201109
Overall Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle Based on Turbine Augmented for Wide-Range Aviation Platforms
HE Guoqiang1, QIN Fei1, WEI Xianggeng1, ZHANG Duo1, YU Xuanfei1, WEI Liming1
1. National Key Laboratory of Solid Rocket Propulsion, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China; 2. Shanghai Electro-Mechanical Engineering Institute, Shanghai 201109, China
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摘要 面向宽域飞行平台的动力需求,提出了兼顾加速性与燃油经济性的新型涡轮增强组合动力方案,并从发动机组成与工作原理的角度阐明了采用串联式流道方案实现高加速能力与高比冲性能的可行性。首先,基于自主开发的性能评估模型,对发动机涡轮增压模式和冲压模式宽域性能进行预估,并通过整机三维数值模拟对典型工作点发动机性能进行计算。在采用液氧/甲烷推进剂时,马赫数为0~3的涡轮增压模式可实现800~1 000 s的比冲和145 s的最大比推力;在当量比1.0的冲压模式下,马赫数为4时可实现1 300 s以上的比冲,马赫数为6时可实现1 000 s以上的比冲。其次,以该组合动力方案作为两级入轨第一级飞行器动力,开展两级入轨任务的总体方案初步论证,结果表明该组合动力方案具备优异的宽域加速能力,能够支撑高效的可重复使用航天运输任务。该组合动力还可以作为覆盖亚声速到高超声速范围的宽域机载无人平台动力,实现自主加速和超高速巡航。最后,对发动机研制面临的主要关键技术进行了梳理和总结。
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关键词 宽域飞行平台组合动力高超声速总体性能    
Abstract:According to the power requirements of wide-ranged aviation platforms, a new turbine-augmented combined cycle engine which balances acceleration and fuel economy was proposed in this study. The feasibility of achieving high acceleration and high specific impulse performance using a series connected configuration was initially clarified concerning both engine components and working principles. Firstly, wide-ranged performance of turbine-augmented mode and ramjet mode was assessed using the self-developed performance evaluation model. After that, three-dimensional simulations of typical flight conditions were conducted to ensure the accuracy of the self-developed model. Then, based on the calculations, the engine fueled by liquid oxygen (LO2) and liquid methane (LCH4) reached a specific impulse of approximately 800~1 000 s with a maximum specific thrust of 145 s when working with Mach 0 to 3. Besides, when working at ramjet mode with an equivalence ratio of 1.0, a specific impulse of more than 1 300 s was reached in a Ma4 flight condition and more than 1 000 s in Ma6. Secondly, a preliminary demonstration of the two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) Astro vehicle based on the turbine-augmented combined cycle engine was carried out. The results have shown the previously mentioned engine can manage high-efficiency reusable space transportation missions with its outstanding wide-ranged acceleration performance. The combined cycle engine was also applicable in the propulsion system for wide-range airborne unmanned platforms covering subsonic to hypersonic speeds, enabling autonomous acceleration and ultra-high-speed cruise. Finally, critical technologies for engine manufacturing were sorted out and summarized.
Key wordswide-range aviation platform    combined cycle engine    hypersonic    overall performance
收稿日期: 2024-01-29      出版日期: 2024-09-10
ZTFLH:  V 52  
作者简介: 何国强(1962—),男,博士,教授。
何国强, 秦飞, 魏祥庚, 张铎, 玉选斐, 魏黎明. 面向宽域飞行平台的涡轮增强组合动力总体性能分析[J]. 空天防御, 2024, 7(4): 7-17.
HE Guoqiang, QIN Fei, WEI Xianggeng, ZHANG Duo, YU Xuanfei, WEI Liming. Overall Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle Based on Turbine Augmented for Wide-Range Aviation Platforms. Air & Space Defense, 2024, 7(4): 7-17.
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