海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2017, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 193-198.

• 专栏:深海气田开发工程关键技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


 胡忠前, 吕松松, 李忠涛, 王红红   

  1.  中海油研究总院,北京 100028
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-30 出版日期:2017-08-25 发布日期:2017-09-11
  • 作者简介:胡忠前(1982—),男,硕士,主要从事油气田开发安全评价工作。
  • 基金资助:

 Application of Quantified Risk Assessment Technology in the Development of Deepwater Gas Field in the South China Sea

 HU Zhong-qian, LV Song-song, LI Zhong-tao, WANG Hong-hong   

  1.  CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100028, China
  • Received:2017-03-30 Online:2017-08-25 Published:2017-09-11
  • Supported by:

摘要: 定量风险分析(QRA)、火灾爆炸分析(FEA)和烟气扩散分析可用于识别和评估海上油气设施火灾、爆炸和人员伤亡、电站锅炉排烟等重大风险。基于这些风险评估结果,安全工程师和业主可以确定最低、合理可行的安全措施。对QRA、 FEA和烟气扩散分析方法在南海某深水气田开发工程中的应用目的、应用过程、达到的效果以及存在的问题加以阐述,介绍了性能化消防安全设计的成功经验。该研究可为今后其他类似项目的安全分析和设计工作提供借鉴。

Abstract: Quantified risk analysis (QRA), fire and explosion analysis (FEA) and exhaust gas dispersion analysis are gradually widespreadly used to identify and evaluate the leakage, dispersion, fire and explosion risk of oil and gas and fatality risk of personnel on offshore facilities. Based on these studies, the safety engineer and owner can make decision and determine appropriate safety critical elements (SCE) required for the hazard. We review the successful application experience of QRA, FEA and exhaust gas dispersion analysis in the basic design phase of offshore gas field development project. For platform A in the South China Sea, the application objective and status, the effect achieved, and the existing problems are described. Especially, feasible safety solutions such as passive fire protection material and blast wall are introduced. This research can provide reference for other similar projects.
