海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 138-143.

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  1. 海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津 300452
  • 出版日期:2023-11-03 发布日期:2023-11-03

Collision analysis of subsea connector seal ring based on the explicit algorithm

WANG Wei, LI Wei, ZHAO Xiaolei, LI Nan, ZHANG Tengyue   

  1. Offshore Oil Engineering Co. ,Ltd, Tianjin 300452, China
  • Online:2023-11-03 Published:2023-11-03

摘要: 文章介绍了水下连接器密封圈碰撞分析的意义和方法。在显式算法及有限元理论的基础上,研究出一套使用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench的Explicit Dynamics模块对水下连接器密封圈碰撞过程的分析计算方法。并具体介绍了分析过程中建立三维模型、设置材料属性、划分网格、设置边界条件和碰撞参数的方法。对分析计算结果进行了详细分析,得到了对接临界速度值,为卡箍式水下连接器对接速度的选择提供了理论依据。

关键词: 水下连接器、显式算法、有限元、碰撞、密封圈

Abstract: In this paper, the significance and method of subsea connector sealing ring collision analysis was introduced. Based on explicit algorithm and finite element theory, the analysis and calculation method of the subsea connector sealing ring collision critical velocity was researched. In the process of analysis, the 3D model establishment, material properties set, meshing, boundary conditions set and collision parameters set were introduced. The calculated results were analyzed in detail, and the critical velocity was obtained, the necessary theory basis for clamp subsea connector connection velocity selection was provided.

Key words: subsea connector, explicit algorithm, finite element, collision, seal ring
