海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2014, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 91-94.

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黄太安, 宋峥嵘, 喻龙, 张小钢, 蒋小华, 王佳, 徐庚, 尹宝瑞   

  1. 海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司, 山东 青岛 266520
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-22 出版日期:2014-01-30 发布日期:2017-12-07
  • 作者简介:

    黄太安(1982--), 男, 工程师, 主要从事海洋石油工程三维技术及管道设计方面的研究.

  • 基金资助:

Deepening Application of VPRM Material Coding in Offshore Oil Engineering Construction

Tai-an HUANG, Zheng-rong SONG, Long YU, Xiao-gang ZHANG, Xiao-hua JIANG, Jia WANG, Geng XU, Bao-rui YIN   

  1. Offshore Petroleum Engineering (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong 266520, China
  • Received:2014-01-22 Online:2014-01-30 Published:2017-12-07


VANTAGE Project Resource Management (VPRM)材料编码规则设计合理,严谨, 能够保证"一物一码", 利用其编码的唯一性可以对海洋石油工程项目常用的大宗散料进行跟踪管理; 同时, 编码贯穿材料的加工设计,采办,出入库整个建造过程, 可以作为材料管理信息化的主线.重点介绍了VPRM材料编码及其在海洋石油工程项目配管材料管理中的应用实例, 为其他专业的材料管理提供了有益借鉴, 为海洋石油工程材料管理提供了新的思路.

关键词: 海洋石油工程, 材料编码, 全生命周期管理, VPRM, 离散制造


VANTAGE Project Resource Management (VPRM) material coding rules are designed reasonably and strictly so that "one material one code" can be ensured. The uniqueness of VPRM code can be applied to the tracking management of bulk materials commonly used in offshore oil engineering projects. At the same time, the VPRM code, which is used throughout the whole construction process including material design, procurement, warehousing, and storage, can be regarded as the main line of material management information system. Based on the research of VPRM coding, we introduce the VPRM material code examples and their application in piping material management of an offshore oil engineering project. This will provide beneficial reference for the management of other materials, and offer new ideas for the management of materials in offshore oil engineering.

Key words: offshore oil engineering, material coding, life cycle management, VPRM, discrete manufacturing
