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    Ship Pipe Layout Optimization Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
    LIN Yan1, 2(林焰), BIAN Xuanyi1(卞璇屹), DONG Zongran3(董宗然)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (5): 737-746.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2530-6
    Abstract19)      PDF(pc) (1456KB)(11)       Save
    Ship pipe layout optimization is one of the difficulties and hot spots in ship intelligent production design. A high-dimensional vector coding is proposed based on the research of related pipe coding and ship pipe route features in this paper. The advantages of this coding method are concise structure, strong compatibility, and independence from the gridding space. Based on the proposed coding, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is implemented, and the algorithm is improved by the pre-selected path strategy and the branch-pipe processing strategy. Finally, two simulation results reveal that the proposed coding and algorithm have feasibility and engineering practicability.
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    Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Evacuation in an Offshore Platform
    ZHANG Jingjinga (张菁菁), ZHAO Jinchenga, b, c∗(赵金城), SONG Zhensena, b, c (宋振森), DUAN Lipinga, b, c(段立平)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (5): 747-758.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-023-2629-4
    Abstract10)      PDF(pc) (4007KB)(2)       Save
    With the rapid development of marine oil and gas exploitation, the evacuation of offshore platforms has received more attention. First, an experimental investigation of the evacuation process of 120 participants in a real offshore platform is performed, and then simulation results provided by Pathfinder are validated against the measurement results. Second, four typical evacuation scenarios on the platform referring to IMO guidelines are investigated by Pathfinder with the speed values achieved in experiments. The simulation results show that both the utilization of exits and evacuation efficiency of people on the offshore platform need to be further improved. Last, the evacuation routes of people under the four scenarios are optimized, and the improvement of the evacuation performance after the optimization is evaluated by several mathematical indicators. Final results show that the evacuation with the optimized route design prompts the use efficiency of exits and further reduces the evacuation time. The present study provides a useful advice for potentially revising the IMO guidelines in future and provides efficient evacuation strategies for planning the emergency evacuation on offshore platforms.
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    Knowledge-Based Curved Block Construction Scheduling and Application in Shipbuilding
    JIANG Zuhua1∗(蒋祖华), ZHOU Hongming2(周宏明), TAO Ningrong3(陶宁蓉), LI Baihe1(李柏鹤)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (5): 759-765.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2544-0
    Abstract8)      PDF(pc) (1037KB)(3)       Save
    To increase efficiency in fierce competition, it is necessary and urgent to improve the standard of production planning for shipbuilding. The construction of curved blocks is the bottleneck to improve the efficiency of shipbuilding. Thus it is a key breakthrough for higher shipbuilding productivity to study the curved block production. By analyzing the scheduling problem in curved blocks production, we propose an intelligent curved block production scheduling method and its system based on a knowledge base, and show the main process of the system. The functions of the system include data management, assembly plan generation, plan adjustment, and plan evaluation. In order to deal with the actual situation and inherit the empirical knowledge, the system extracts some rules to control block selecting, algorithm selection, and evaluation thresholds to build a production decision-making knowledge base in the curved block scheduling system. The proposed knowledge base could be referred and modified by users, especially after a few interactions between the users and the knowledge base. The final assembly plan can be visualized and evaluated to facilitate the observation of plan implementation and effects of the decisions in the process. Finally, the system is verified by a large shipyard in Shanghai using real data and the results illustrate that the proposed method can perform the knowledge-based scheduling for curved blocks construction effectively.
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    Multi-Agent Path Planning Method Based on Improved Deep Q-Network in Dynamic Environments
    LI Shuyi (李舒逸), LI Minzhe (李旻哲), JING Zhongliang (敬忠良)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (4): 601-612.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-024-2732-1
    Abstract166)      PDF(pc) (1213KB)(122)       Save
    The multi-agent path planning problem presents significant challenges in dynamic environments, primarily due to the ever-changing positions of obstacles and the complex interactions between agents’ actions. These factors contribute to a tendency for the solution to converge slowly, and in some cases, diverge altogether. In addressing this issue, this paper introduces a novel approach utilizing a double dueling deep Q-network (D3QN), tailored for dynamic multi-agent environments. A novel reward function based on multi-agent positional constraints is designed, and a training strategy based on incremental learning is performed to achieve collaborative path planning of multiple agents. Moreover, the greedy and Boltzmann probability selection policy is introduced for action selection and avoiding convergence to local extremum. To match radar and image sensors, a convolutional neural network - long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) architecture is constructed to extract the feature of multi-source measurement as the input of the D3QN. The algorithm’s efficacy and reliability are validated in a simulated environment, utilizing robot operating system and Gazebo. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides a real-time solution for path planning tasks in dynamic scenarios. In terms of the average success rate and accuracy, the proposed method is superior to other deep learning algorithms, and the convergence speed is also improved.
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    Fault-Tolerant Dynamical Consensus of Double-Integrator Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Asynchronous Self-Sensing Function Failures
    WU Zhihai (吴治海), XIE Linbo (谢林柏)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (4): 613-624.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-024-2716-1
    Abstract61)      PDF(pc) (540KB)(53)       Save
    Double-integrator multi-agent systems (MASs) might not achieve dynamical consensus, even if only partial agents suffer from self-sensing function failures (SSFFs). SSFFs might be asynchronous in real engineering application. The existing fault-tolerant dynamical consensus protocol suitable for synchronous SSFFs cannot be directly used to tackle fault-tolerant dynamical consensus of double-integrator MASs with partial agents subject to asynchronous SSFFs. Motivated by these facts, this paper explores a new fault-tolerant dynamical consensus protocol suitable for asynchronous SSFFs. First, multi-hop communication together with the idea of treating asynchronous SSFFs as multiple piecewise synchronous SSFFs is used for recovering the connectivity of network topology among all normal agents. Second, a fault-tolerant dynamical consensus protocol is designed for doubleintegrator MASs by utilizing the history information of an agent subject to SSFF for computing its own state information at the instants when its minimum-hop normal neighbor set changes. Then, it is theoretically proved that if the strategy of network topology connectivity recovery and the fault-tolerant dynamical consensus protocol with proper time-varying gains are used simultaneously, double-integrator MASs with all normal agents and all agents subject to SSFFs can reach dynamical consensus. Finally, comparison numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
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    Event-Triggered Fixed-Time Consensus of Second-Order Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Delay and Switching Topologies
    XING Youjing1 (邢优靖), GAO Jinfeng1∗ (高金凤), LIU Xiaoping1, 2 (刘小平), WU Ping1 (吴平)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (4): 625-639.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-024-2695-2
    Abstract49)      PDF(pc) (1059KB)(44)       Save
    To address fixed-time consensus problems of a class of leader-follower second-order nonlinear multiagent systems with uncertain external disturbances, the event-triggered fixed-time consensus protocol is proposed. First, the virtual velocity is designed based on the backstepping control method to achieve the system consensus and the bound on convergence time only depending on the system parameters. Second, an event-triggered mechanism is presented to solve the problem of frequent communication between agents, and triggered condition based on state information is given for each follower. It is available to save communication resources, and the Zeno behaviors are excluded. Then, the delay and switching topologies of the system are also discussed. Next, the system stabilization is analyzed by Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the validity of the presented method.
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    Clinical application value of spinal robot assisted system in MIS-TLIF surgery

    LIU Yang, LIU Daokuo, LI Changkuan, et al
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery    2024, 20 (3): 300-.  
    Abstract63)      PDF(pc) (3575KB)(45)       Save
    Objective To study the clinical application value of spinal robot assisted system in minimally invasive transforaminal fusion (MIS-TLIF) surgery. Methods From March 2019 to November 2022,78 patients who underwent surgical treatment for lumbar degenerative diseases were divided into traditional MIS-TLIF group (group A,41 cases) and robotic MIS-TLIF group (group B,37 cases) according to different surgical methods. Perioperative indicators (intraoperative bleeding, surgical time, incision length, and fluoroscopy frequency), postoperative CT findings (screw placement accuracy,screw abduction angle), functional recovery (VAS, JOA scores), and perioperative complications were compared between the two groups. Results The intraoperative bleeding volume and fluoroscopy frequency in Group B were less than those in Group A, and the operative time and incision length were shorter than those in Group A (P<0.05) . A total of 164 screws were implanted in Group A,148 in Group B. The acceptable screws in Group B were significantly higher than those in Group A (P< 0.05) . The abduction angle of screws in Group A was 18.12°±7.50°, and that in Group B was 23.56°±6.64°. The abduction angle in Group B was greater than that in Group A (P<0.05) . One month after surgery, the VAS score of the two groupsdecreased compared to that before surgery, while the JOA score increased (P<0.05).However, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05).There were no serious complications such as blood vessels and nerves in both groups; In group A,3 patient had a positioning error and 2 patient had a dural sac tear, all of which recovered after corresponding treatment; Group B had no early complications. The incidence of early complications in Group B was lower than  that in Group A (P<0.05).Conclusion The spinal robot assisted system can shorten the operation time of MIS-TLIF,reduce intraoperative bleeding, and improve the accuracy of pedicle screw placement. It has high clinical application value.
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    Status and influencing factors of stigma in patients with port wine stains in the head and neck

    JIANG Yan, Ran Xuehui, LIN Xiaoxi, et al
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery    2024, 20 (3): 335-.  
    Abstract44)      PDF(pc) (1050KB)(28)       Save
    Objective To explore the current status and influencing factors of stigma in patients with port wine stains
    (PWS) in the head and neck. Methods Using the convenient sampling method,113 patients with PWS in the head and
    neck from August 2022 to December 2022 were recruited. The general demographic data questionnaire, stigma scale for
    chronic illness (SSCI), social impact scale (SIS) and self-esteem scale (SES) were used to conduct a questionnaire survey.
    Results The SSCI score of patients with PWS was 50.61±22.2, and the SIS score was 48.71±15.17. Single-factor analysis of
    variance showed that the influencing factors of stigma were education level, monthly income, treatment times, lesion
    location, and lesion size (P<0.05); The SES score of patients with PWS was 24.75±4.92, and single-factor analysis of
    variance showed that the influencing factors of self-esteem were monthly income and job absence (P<0.05).SSCI scores andSIS scores were negatively correlated with SES scores (P<0.01).Conclusion Patients with PWS had a moderate level of
    stigma and a low level of self-esteem. Both chronic illness stigma and social impact stigma are significantly negatively
    correlated with the level of self-esteem. Medical staff should provide appropriate guidance to patients during treatment,
    enhancing patients’ confidence and guiding patients to face the disease positively, and meanwhile, call on the public to give
    more concern to patients with chronic skin diseases.
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    Discussion on talent cultivation of plastic surgery in the new era
    ZHANG Hanrui, HUANG Xin, LI Qingfeng, et al
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery    2024, 20 (3): 388-.  
    Abstract39)      PDF(pc) (927KB)(51)       Save
    Plastic surgery is a specialized branch of surgery that has two main development directions: Reconstructive
    plastic surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery. In recent years, there has been a growing inclination among young doctors to
    prioritize aesthetic plastic surgery over reconstructive surgery, which has hindered the sustainable development of plastic
    surgery. Meanwhile, emerging technology has provided new opportunities for talent cultivation. The education model for young
    doctors should advance with time. Therefore, the recommendations such as strengthening medical history education, guiding
    correct understanding, and innovating teaching models, have been proposed to improve the quality and efficiency of talent
    cultivation. These efforts aim to cultivate highly qualified talents with strong professional skills and a sense of responsibility,
    who can adapt to the development needs of the discipline.
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    China Alzheimer Report 2024
    WANG Gang, QI Jinlei, LIU Xinya, REN Rujing, LIN Shaohui, HU Yisong, LI Haixia, XIE Xinyi, WANG Jintao, LI Jianping, ZHU Yikang, GAO Mengyi, YANG Junjie, WANG Yiran, JING Yurong, GENG Jieli, ZHI Nan, CAO Wenwei, XU Qun, YU Xiaoping, ZHU Yuan, ZHOU Ying, WANG Lin, GAO Chao, LI Binyin, CHEN Shengdi, YUAN Fang, DOU Ronghua, LIU Xiaoyun, LI Xuena, YIN Yafu, CHANG Yan, XU Gang, XIN Jiawei, ZHONG Yanting, LI Chunbo, WANG Ying, ZHOU Maigeng, CHEN Xiaochun, representing the China Alzheimer's Disease Report Writing Group
    Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice    2024, 23 (03): 219-256.   DOI: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2024.03.001
    Abstract2284)   HTML125)    PDF(pc) (3339KB)(1436)       Save

    With the sustained growth of economy and significant changes in social demographics, the issue of elderly-related diseases has increasingly drawn attention particularly. Alzheimer's disease (AD),as a representative disease of neurodegenerative diseases has become a major challenge, affecting the health and quality of life among the elderly population severely. In recent years, the incidence, prevalence, and mortality rate of AD increase in China, imposing substantial economic burdens on families, society, and the entire healthcare system. To proactively address this challenge and respond to the national 'Healthy China Action' initiative, leading experts from Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Chronic Non-communicable Disease Control Center, Fudan University School of Public Health, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Fujian Medical University, and other authoritative institutions, have jointly authored the 'China Alzheimer Disease Report 2024'. Building upon previous editions of 2021, 2022, and 2023, this report updates epidemiological data on AD in China, thoroughly analyzes the latest economic burdens of the disease, and comprehensively evaluates the current status of AD diagnosis and treatment services, as well as the allocation of public health resources in our country. The release of the 'China Alzheimer Disease Report 2024' not only reflects China's progress and efforts in AD research and prevention, but also underscores the social heightened concern for elderly health issues. It aims to provide scientific and technical guidance and robust data support for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of AD, offering a professional basis for the government and relevant departments to formulate targeted health policies and intervention measures. Furthermore, it serves as a platform for promoting academic exchanges and cooperation in this field domestically and internationally. Through the dissemination and application of this report, we anticipate it will not only serve as a reference for professionals but also enhance public awareness of AD, promote active participation across various sectors of society, and jointly advance the development of elderly health care in China, empowering us towards achieving 'healthy aging'.

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    Key Technologies and Applications of Shared Energy Storage
    SONG Meng, LIN Gujing, MENG Jing, GAO Ciwei, CHEN Tao, XIA Shiwei, BAN Mingfei
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (5): 585-599.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.360
    Abstract1487)   HTML27)    PDF(pc) (4173KB)(485)       Save

    Under the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, the penetration rate of renewable energy continues to rise, whose volatility, intermittency, and uncertainty pose significant challenges to the safe and stable operation of the power system. As a typical application of the sharing economy in the field of energy storage, shared energy storage (SES) can maximize the utilization of resources by separating the “ownership” and “usage” of energy storage resources, which provides a new solution to the problem of imbalance between supply and demand caused by the large-scale integration of renewable energy into the grid, and has broad development prospects. The business model of SES is explored based on value positioning, cost modeling, and profitability strategies, and a detailed summary of SES trading varieties, operational structure, and engineering applications is discussed. Finally, the future trend of shared energy storage is discussed and envisioned.

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    Dynamic Optimization of Carbon Reduction Pathways in Coastal Metropolises Considering Hidden Influence of Decarbonization on Energy Demand
    XIAO Yinjing, ZHANG Di, WEI Juan, GE Rui, CHEN Dawei, YANG Guixing, YE Zhiliang
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (5): 600-609.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.437
    Abstract1150)   HTML13)    PDF(pc) (1733KB)(238)       Save

    Setting a reasonable carbon reduction plan in coastal metropolises is the key part to reach the global carbon target. Carbon reduction will change urban climate and influence energy demand, both of which affect the optimization results of carbon reduction pathways. Current generation expansion optimization models consider direct abatement contribution and solve most problems of planning for long-term carbon emission reduction in energy systems. However, the construction of new type power systems also indirectly impacts carbon emissions by changing microclimate factors such as heat island intensity. By combining generation expansion with carbon emission prediction model, the proposed approach in this paper considers the hidden mechanism of carbon and heat emission change on air-conditioning loads and dynamically optimizes the carbon reduction pathways in coastal metropolises. Taking Pudong Area in Shanghai as an example, the estimated cost of carbon reduction is reduced by the proposed approach. Some suggestions for the carbon reduction in coastal metropolises are made according to the simulation results.

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    Bi-Level Optimization Operation Method of Multi-H2-IES Considering Dynamic Carbon Emission Factors
    FU Wenxi, DOU Zhenlan, ZHANG Chunyan, WANG Lingling, JIANG Chuanwen, XIONG Zhan
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (5): 610-623.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.225
    Abstract1071)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (2901KB)(78)       Save

    In the context of achieving “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, the low-carbon transformation of the energy system is the development direction in the future. Hydrogen, known for its high calorific value and low pollution, has received extensive attention in recent years. Based on the carbon emission flow theory, a bi-level optimization operation model of multi-integrated energy system with hydrogen (H2-IES) is proposed considering dynamic carbon emission factors. At the upper level, an economic dispatch model is established by the main energy grid based on the principle of optimal benefit, and the energy prices and carbon emission factors of each park are determined and distributed to the lower level. At the lower level, a multi-park low-carbon cooperative operation model is established based on the Nash negotiation theory, and the adaptive alternating direction method of multipliers (A-ADMM) is used for distributed solution to determine the energy demand of each park and provide feedback to the upper level. The coordinated operation of both levels is realized in multiple iterative interactions. To equitably distribute the benefits of cooperation, a revenue distribution method based on comprehensive bargaining power is proposed. The analysis of a case study shows that the bi-level optimization method proposed in this paper can realize the coordinated operation between the upper and lower levels, and take into account the low-carbon and economical properties of multi-parks operation. Because the income is reasonably distributed, the enthusiasm of parks to participate in cooperation can be guaranteed.

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    Multi-Robot Task Allocation Using Multimodal Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
    MIAO Zhenhua(苗镇华), HUANG Wentao(黄文焘), ZHANG Yilian(张依恋), FAN Qinqin(范勤勤)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (3): 377-387.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-023-2679-7
    Abstract265)      PDF(pc) (975KB)(149)       Save
    The overall performance of multi-robot collaborative systems is significantly affected by the multirobot task allocation. To improve the effectiveness, robustness, and safety of multi-robot collaborative systems,a multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed in this paper. The improved multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is used to solve multi-robot task allocation problems. Moreover, a deep reinforcement learning strategy is used in the last generation to provide a high-quality path for each assigned robot via an end-to-end manner. Comparisons with three popular multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on three different scenarios of multi-robot task allocation problems are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm. The experimental test results show that the proposed algorithm can generate sufficient equivalent schemes to improve the availability and robustness of multirobot collaborative systems in uncertain environments, and also produce the best scheme to improve the overall task execution efficiency of multi-robot collaborative systems.
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    Online Multi-Object Tracking Under Moving Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform Based on Object Detection and Feature Extraction Network
    LIU Zengmin (刘增敏), WANG Shentao(王申涛), YAO Lixiu(姚莉秀), CAI Yunze(蔡云泽)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (3): 388-399.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2540-4
    Abstract131)      PDF(pc) (1105KB)(57)       Save
    In order to solve the problem of small object size and low detection accuracy under the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform, the object detection algorithm based on deep aggregation network and high-resolution fusion module is studied. Furthermore, a joint network of object detection and feature extraction is studied to construct a real-time multi-object tracking algorithm. For the problem of object association failure caused by UAV movement, image registration is applied to multi-object tracking and a camera motion discrimination model is proposed to improve the speed of the multi-object tracking algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed in this study can improve the accuracy of multi-object tracking under the UAV platform, and effectively solve the problem of association failure caused by UAV movement.
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    Anti-Occlusion Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Filter Prediction
    CHEN Kun(陈坤), ZHAO Xu(赵旭), DONG Chunyu(董春玉), DI Zichao(邸子超), CHEN Zongzhi(陈宗枝)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (3): 400-413.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2484-8
    Abstract112)      PDF(pc) (5510KB)(50)       Save
    Visual object tracking is an important issue that has received long-term attention in computer vision.The ability to effectively handle occlusion, especially severe occlusion, is an important aspect of evaluating theperformance of object tracking algorithms in long-term tracking, and is of great significance to improving therobustness of object tracking algorithms. However, most object tracking algorithms lack a processing mechanism specifically for occlusion. In the case of occlusion, due to the lack of target information, it is necessary to predict the target position based on the motion trajectory. Kalman filtering and particle filtering can effectively predict the target motion state based on the historical motion information. A single object tracking method, called probabilistic discriminative model prediction (PrDiMP), is based on the spatial attention mechanism in complex scenes and occlusions. In order to improve the performance of PrDiMP, Kalman filtering, particle filtering and linear filtering are introduced. First, for the occlusion situation, Kalman filtering and particle filtering are respectively introduced to predict the object position, thereby replacing the detection result of the original tracking algorithm and stopping recursion of target model. Second, for detection-jump problem of similar objects in complex scenes, a linear filtering window is added. The evaluation results on the three datasets, including GOT-10k, UAV123 and LaSOT, and the visualization results on several videos, show that our algorithms have improved tracking performance under occlusion and the detection-jump is effectively suppressed.
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    Attitude Planning Method of Satellite Staring Imaging to Aerial Dynamic Target
    DU Ning, WU Shufan, CHEN Zhansheng, CHEN Wenhui, WANG Shiyao, XU Jiaguo, QIN Dongdong
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (4): 411-418.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.425
    Abstract392)   HTML60)    PDF(pc) (1661KB)(537)       Save

    Aimed at the staring imaging requirements of the low earth orbit (LEO) satellite array camera for aerial dynamic targets, a method for target position estimation and staring attitude planning based on image miss-distance of the satellite platform is proposed. Based on the prior knowledge of the flying altitude of the aerial dynamic target, taking the latitude and longitude change rate of the target geography as the state quantity and the central pixel value of the target as the observation, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) is designed to realize the accurate smooth estimation and prediction of the geographical latitude and longitude of the target. On this basis, the attitude and angular velocity of the satellite are planned, the influence of target pixel noise and delay on attitude stability is avoided, and the position estimation of a single satellite to target is realized. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by a numerical simulation.

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    Numerical Study of Deformation and Breakup Processes of Water Droplets in Air Flow
    SANG Xu, JIN Zheyan, YANG Zhigang, YU Fang
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (4): 419-427.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.414
    Abstract336)   HTML22)    PDF(pc) (2771KB)(361)       Save

    Aimed at the problem that water droplets are easy to break up during the acceleration process in icing wind tunnel experiment, which makes it difficult for the particle size distribution of water droplets in the test section to conform to the icing weather conditions, the deformation and breakup regime of water droplets with a diameter of 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1 000 and 1 200 μm under the action of different air velocities(20, 50, and 80 m/s) are simulated by using the volume of fluid (VOF) method. The results show that under the action of 20 m/s air flow, the water droplet with a diameter of 600 μm does not break. Under the action of 50 m/s air flow, the water droplet with a diameter of 100 μm does not break. With the increase of Weber number, the wavelength of the most destructive wave also increases, and the breakup regime of water droplets changes from bag breakup to bag-plume breakup, to plume-shear breakup, and to shear breakup successively. The droplet breakup regime, including the bag breakup, bag/plume breakup, the plume/sheet-thinning breakup, and the shear breakup, has a significant effect on the ratio of the area of the largest droplet to the initial droplet. Under the condition that the initial drop diameter is the same, as the inlet velocity increases, the area ratio after breakup increases.

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    Vibration Characteristics of Cylindrical Membrane
    HUANG Tao, HE Zeqing, SONG Lin
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (4): 428-437.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.396
    Abstract206)   HTML22)    PDF(pc) (4517KB)(211)       Save

    Based on the principle of D’Alembert, the nonlinear vibration equation of cylindrical membrane is established, and the analysis and experimental verification of it are conducted. The control equation system for cylindrical membrane vibration problems is established, and the equation system according to the physical equations and boundary conditions of thin diaphragms is simplified and solved, the analytical solution of nonlinear vibration frequency of cylindrical membrane is obtained, and the linear analytical solution is verified by finite element simulation, which shows that the error between theoretical calculation and numerical simulation is small, and the applicability of finite element method to the modal analysis of flexible membrane structure is verified. A 3D laser scanning vibration measurement system is used to test the vibration frequency of cylindrical membranes in the air environment. The finite element analysis software is used to obtain the dry mode and wet mode vibration frequencies of cylindrical membranes and extract the additional mass coefficients of air. The results showed that the test results of the vibration in wet mode have a good consistency with the numerical analysis results, and the influence of the additional quality of the ground air on the cylindrical membrane is in the same order of magnitude as its own mass.

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    Operation Parameters of Air-Cooled Fuel Cell Based on In-Situ Testing of Reaction State
    CHEN Minxue, QIU Diankai, PENG Linfa
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (3): 253-262.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.318
    Abstract365)   HTML37)    PDF(pc) (25048KB)(357)       Save

    The internal reaction state of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is the key factor affecting the output performance and stability of the cell. By developing an in-situ testing device for the reaction state of air-cooled fuel cell, the real-time measurement of cell temperature and current density is realized, and the influence mechanism of hydrogen outlet pulse interval, hydrogen inlet pressure and cathode wind speed on the performance of the cell is revealed. The results show that the distribution of temperature and current density in air-cooled cells is uneven. The temperature difference can reach 20 °C, and the current density difference reaches 400 mA/cm2 when the average current density is 500 mA/cm2. As the interval between pulses decreases and the inlet pressure increases, the performance of the hydrogen outlet area and the uniformity of the distribution increase, which can reduce the fluctuation of current density in the cells and improve output stability. If the cathode wind speed is too low, the temperature in central areas is high, and the temperature distribution uniformity is reduced. However, excessive wind speed causes the generating water to be blown away. The water content of the proton exchange membrane thus decreases, and the uniformity of the current density distribution deteriorates.

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    SOH Online Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Fusion Health Factor and Integrated Extreme Learning Machine
    QU Keqing, DONG Hao, MAO Ling, ZHAO Jinbin, YANG Jianlin, LI Fen
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (3): 263-272.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.306
    Abstract175)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (3259KB)(139)       Save

    Online estimation of the state of health (SOH) of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is crucial for the security and stability operation of battery management systems. In order to overcome the problem such as long training time, large amount of computation, and complex debugging process of the LIB SOH estimation methods based on traditional data-driven, an LIB SOH estimation method based on fusion health factor (HF) and integrated extreme learning machine is proposed. The interval data with a high correlation with the SOH was found by analyzing the dQ/dV and dT/dV curves of the battery. Multi-dimensional HFs are extracted from the interval data, and the indirect HF are obtained by principal component analysis. The stochastic learning algorithm of extreme learning machine is used to establish the nonlinear mapping relationship between indirect HF and SOH. Considering the unstable output of a single model, an integrated extreme learning machine model is proposed. The unreliable output is eliminated by setting credibility evaluation rules for the estimation results, and the estimation accuracy of the model is improved. Finally, the method proposed in this paper is validated using the NASA LIB aging dataset and the LIB aging dataset of Oxford University. The results show that the average absolute percentage error of SOH estimation method proposed is less than 1%, and it has a high accuracy and reliability.

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    Interval Estimation of State of Health for Lithium Batteries Considering Different Charging Strategies
    ZHANG Xiaoyuan, ZHANG Jinhao, YANG Lixin
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (3): 273-284.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.347
    Abstract270)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (3204KB)(540)       Save

    State of health (SOH) estimation of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is of great importance for battery use, maintenance, management, and economic evaluation. However, the current SOH estimation methods for Li-ion batteries are mainly targeted at specific charging strategies by using deterministic estimation models, which cannot reflect uncertain information such as randomness and fuzziness in the battery degradation process. To this end, a method for estimating the SOH interval of Li-ion batteries applicable to different charging strategies is proposed, which extracts multiple feature parameters from the cyclic charging and discharging data of batteries with different charging strategies, and automatically selects the optimal combination of feature parameters for a specific charging strategy by using the cross-validation method. In addition, considering the limited number of cycles in the whole life cycle of Li-ion batteries as a small sample, support vector quantile regression (SVQR), which integrates the advantages of support vector regression and quantile regression, is proposed for the estimation of SOH interval of lithium-ion batteries. Li-ion battery charge/discharge cycle data with deep discharge degree is selected as the training set for offline training of the SVQR model, and the trained model is used for online estimation of the SOH of Li-ion batteries of different charging strategies. The proposed method is validated using three datasets with different charging strategies. The experimental results show that the proposed method is applicable to different charging strategies and the estimation results are better than those of quantile regression, quantile regression neural network and Gaussian process regression.

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    Review on Anti-Frost Technology Based on Microchannel Heat Exchanger
    YE Zhenhong(叶振鸿), WANG Wei(王炜), LI Xinhua(李新华), CHEN Jiangping(陈江平)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (2): 161-178.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2539-x
    Abstract171)      PDF(pc) (4397KB)(92)       Save
    Frosting is an inevitable adverse phenomenon in many fields such as industrial refrigeration, cryogenics, and heat pump air conditioning, which may influence the efficiency of the equipment and increase the energy consumption of the system. The complicated louvered-fin structure and fluid-channels arrangements of the microchannel heat exchanger (HEX) will affect the heat transfer performance and frosting characteristics. First, this article analyzes different factors such as refrigerant distribution, refrigerant flow pattern, and HEX surface temperature distribution. Further, combined with the features of the microchannel HEX, the existing anti-frosting technologies and various methods of surface treatment for anti-frosting are summarized. The review focuses on the preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces and their superior properties. Furthermore, the internal mechanism is analyzed in conjunction with the relevant research of our group. Superhydrophobic character has excellent anti-frosting performance and heat transfer performance, which is of great significance for improving energy-saving and system performance. Finally, the future development of superhydrophobic surface technology is analyzed and prospected.
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    Performance and Optimization of Air Source Heat Pump Water Heater with Cyclic Heating
    LI Fan(李凡), LU Gaofeng(陆高锋), DING Yunxiao(丁云霄), ZHENG Chunyuan(郑春元), LI Bin(李斌), ZHAI Xiaoqiang(翟晓强)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (2): 179-187.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2500-z
    Abstract110)      PDF(pc) (1349KB)(51)       Save
    A new type of microchannel condenser applied in the air source heat pump water heater (ASHPWH) with cyclic heating was proposed in this study. The operating performance of the ASHPWH was first tested. Then,the structure of the microchannel condenser was optimized with the implement of vortex generators. Finally, a numerical model of the ASHPWH was established and the optimized microchannel condenser was studied. The experimental results showed that the average coefficient of performance (COP) of the 1 HP (735 W) ASHPWH reached 3.48. In addition, the optimized microchannel condenser could be matched with a 3 HP (2 430 W) ASHPWH with an average heating capacity of 10.30 kW, and achieving an average COP of 4.24, 14.6% higher than the limit value in the national standard.
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    Working Fluid Distribution and Charge Regulation Control in Organic Rankine Cycle
    YE Zhenhong(叶振鸿), WANG Wei(王炜), LI Xinhua(李新华), CHEN Jiangping(陈江平)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (2): 188-201.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2538-y
    Abstract98)      PDF(pc) (1116KB)(33)       Save
    Charge-based studies, in particular investigations of mass distribution, are still almost absent, although the efficiency of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has attracted a great deal of scholarly attention. This paper aims to provide a new perspective on the intrinsic relationship among the mass distribution, phase-zone distribution in the heat exchanger (HEX), charge of working fluid (WF), rotation speed of the pump (RSP), and system performance. A comprehensive ORC simulation model is presented by linking each component’s sub-models, including the independent models for HEX, pump, and expander in an object-oriented fashion. The visualization study of mass distribution of the WF in the system is investigated under different working conditions. Furthermore, the volume and mass of the gas phase, two-phase and liquid phase of WF in the HEX and their variation rules are analyzed in-depth. Finally, the strategies of charge reduction considering HEX areas and pipe sizes are investigated. The results show that the model based on the interior-point method provides high levels of accuracy and robustness. The mass ratio of the WF is concentrated in the liquid receiver, especially in the regenerator, which is 32.9% and 21.9% of the total mass, respectively. Furthermore, 2.4 kg (6.9%) WF in the system gradually migrates to the hightemperature side as the RSP increases while 6.1 kg (17.4%) WF migrates to the low-temperature side, especially to the condenser, as the charge in the system increases. Output power and efficiency both decrease gradually after the peak due to changes in RSP and charge. Last, reducing heat transfer areas of the condenser and regenerator is the most effective way to reduce WF charge.
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    A Review of Numerical Studies of Wave Impacts on Marine Structures
    ZHANG Nianfan, XIAO Longfei, CHEN Gang
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (2): 127-140.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.500
    Abstract1152)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (4659KB)(249)       Save

    Wave impact is a strongly nonlinear interaction between waves and structures, and its load usually has the characteristics of a large peak value and short duration. In recent years, the extreme environment has frequently led to severe wave impacts on marine structures, resulting in loss of life and property, thus making the issue of wave impact become a great concern. For the complicated impact process, the theoretical analysis and model experiments can only provide simplified analytical solution and limited information on the slamming flow field. Therefore, numerical simulation has gradually become an effective means to study the issue of wave impact. Scholars at home and abroad have conducted a large number of numerical investigations on the load characteristics of wave impact, impact process, and its influencing factors on marine structures, gaining numerous important research conclusions. In this paper, the current progress, existing methods, and important conclusions of the numerical study of wave impact on marine structures are reviewed, which can provide useful references for further research on the numerical simulation of wave impact.

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    Inverse Reconstruction of Environmental Loads and Virtual Model Test
    LI Xu, XIAO Longfei, WEI Handi, WU Wencheng, ZHU Ziyang, LI Yan
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (2): 141-146.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.398
    Abstract1076)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (3587KB)(118)       Save

    Novel methods of inverse reconstruction of environmental loads and virtual model test for hybrid model test are proposed. The environmental loads are extracted from the physical truncated model test, considering the nonlinear effects such as coupling effect among the six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) motions and wave slamming, and viscous force of the fluid. The loads can be further applied to the numerical model in virtual wave basin to conduct virtual model test with truncated and full-depth mooring system. Wave basin tests under combined wave, wind, and current condition are conducted to validate the proposed methods, and the results show that the environmental loads can be accurately reconstructed from the physical model tests.

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    Dynamic Response of a Vessel-Shaped Fish Cage Considering Coupling Effect Among Body Motion, Disturbed Velocity Field, and Net Loads
    WANG Yihou, FU Shixiao, XU Yuwang, LI Shuai, FU Qiang, LIU Fuxiang
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (2): 147-155.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.404
    Abstract1023)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (10409KB)(103)       Save

    Vessel-shaped fish cages are a new type of large aquaculture structure consisting of a floating body, steel frames, net system, and mooring system. The diffraction and radiation waves induced by the floating body can disturb the velocity field and induce additional changes to the hydrodynamic loads on the nets. In this paper, the velocity transfer functions around the nets induced by the diffraction and radiation waves are obtained and the effects of floating body on the forces of the nets are calculated by the Morison equation. By performing the iterations between the motion of floating body and loads on the nets, the fully coupled dynamic response of motion-disturbing velocity field-net loads is realized. Finally, the effects of diffraction and radiation waves on motion response, tension in the net twine, volume reduction, and connector loads are investigated. The results show that the influences of disturbing velocity field on cage motion response and volume reduction are not obvious, but they can lead to a significant increase in the tension in net twine and connector loads, which can provide helpful reference for the structural strength analysis and safety design of vessel-shaped fish cages.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Review of Power-Assisted Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot
    HE Guisong (贺贵松), HUANG Xuegong (黄学功), LI Feng (李峰), WANG Huixing (汪辉兴)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (1): 1-15.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2489-3
    Abstract507)      PDF(pc) (1195KB)(158)       Save
    Power-assisted lower limb exoskeleton robot is a wearable intelligent robot system involving mechanics,materials, electronics, control, robotics, and many other fields. The system can use external energy to provide additional power to humans, enhance the function of the human body, and help the wearer to bear weight that is previously unbearable. At the same time, employing reasonable structure design and passive energy storage can also assist in specific actions. First, this paper introduces the research status of power-assisted lower limb exoskeleton robots at home and abroad, and analyzes several typical prototypes in detail. Then, the key technologies such as structure design, driving mode, sensing technology, control method, energy management, and human-machine coupling are summarized, and some common design methods of the exoskeleton robot are summarized and compared. Finally, the existing problems and possible solutions in the research of power-assisted lower limb exoskeleton robots are summarized, and the prospect of future development trend has been analyzed.
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    Review of Key Technologies for Developing Personalized Lower Limb Rehabilitative Exoskeleton Robots
    TAO Jing, (陶璟), ZHOU Zhenhuan (周振欢)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (1): 16-28.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2452-3
    Abstract412)      PDF(pc) (1179KB)(422)       Save
    Rehabilitative training and assistance to daily living activities play critical roles in improving the life quality of lower limb dyskinesia patients and older people with motor function degeneration. Lower limb rehabilitative exoskeleton has a promising application prospect in support of the above population. In this paper, critical technologies for developing lower limb rehabilitative exoskeleton for individualized user needs are identi- fied and reviewed, including exoskeleton hardware modularization, bionic compliant driving, individualized gait planning and individual-oriented motion intention recognition. Inspired by the idea of servitization, potentials in exoskeleton product-service system design and its enabling technologies are then discussed. It is suggested that future research will focus on exoskeleton technology and exoskeleton-based service development oriented to an individual’s physical features and personalized requirements to realize better human-exoskeleton coordination in terms of technology, as well as accessible and high-quality rehabilitation and living assistance in terms of utility.
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    Time-Resolved Imaging in Short-Wave Infrared Region
    XU Yang (徐杨), LI Wanwan∗ (李万万)
    J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci    2024, 29 (1): 29-36.   DOI: 10.1007/s12204-022-2547-x
    Abstract115)      PDF(pc) (810KB)(47)       Save
    Compared with the conventional first near-infrared (NIR-I, 700—900 nm) window, the short-wave infrared region (SWIR, 900—1 700 nm) possesses the merits of the increasing tissue penetration depths and the suppression of scattering background, leading to great potential for in vivo imaging. Based on the limitations of the common spectral domain, and the superiority of the time-dimension, time-resolved imaging eliminates the auto-fluorescence in the biological tissue, thus supporting higher signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivities. The imaging technique is not affected by the difference in tissue composition or thickness and has the practical value of quantitative in vivo detection. Almost all the relevant time-resolved imaging was carried out around lanthanide-doped upconversion nanomaterials, owing to the advantages of ultralong luminescence lifetime, excellent photostability, controllable morphology, easy surface modification and various strategies of regulating lifetime. Therefore, this review presents the research progress of SWIR time-resolved imaging technology based on nanomaterials doped with lanthanide ions as luminescence centers in recent years.
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    Low-Carbon Operation Strategy of Integrated Energy System Based on User Classification
    ZHANG Chunyan, DOU Zhenlan, BAI Bingqing, WANG Lingling, JIANG Chuanwen, XIONG Zhan
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.321
    Abstract2277)   HTML36)    PDF(pc) (1783KB)(378)       Save

    Integrated energy system (IES) is an important means to achieve the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”. However, different types of users in the system have different energy consumption behaviors, which makes the coordinated optimization and low-carbon operation of the integrated energy system more difficult. In order to give full play to the subjective initiative of users, the user behavior of the integrated energy system is modelled based on user behavior analysis, and users are classified into aggressive and conservative types by convolutional neural network (CNN). Then, the decision model of integrated energy system operator is constructed to determine the supply mode of electric heating energy, and the corresponding energy package is designed for different types of users. Finally, the effectiveness of the above models and methods is analyzed based on actual data, and the value of user classification in low-carbon operation of integrated energy systems is verified.

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    Green Energy Trading in Distribution Network Considering Credit Value
    WU Qing, JIA Qiangang, YAN Zheng, ZHONG Zhun, GUO Song, LI Zhiyong
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (1): 11-18.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.130
    Abstract1167)   HTML16)    PDF(pc) (1504KB)(289)       Save

    Developing distributed renewable energy is vital to energy system transformation, while organizing market trading will promote the production and consumption of distributed renewable energy. However, the uncertainty of renewable energy output causes deviations during market delivery, which threats the security of distribution system operation. It is still difficult for existing market-based trading mechanisms to motivate market players to reduce the deviations. Therefore, this paper gives guidance to the honest delivery behaviors of distributed green energy producers by quantifying credit costs. Considering the strategic bidding behaviors of distributed green energy producers, it establishes a market model taking the credit costs into account. Then, it proposed an iterative algorithm based on the optimal response theory to calculate the Nash equilibria of the green energy market. The results of the case study show that the market mechanism proposed can give guidance to the integrity behavior of green energy producers in an incentive-compatible way, reducing the delivery deviation while improving social welfare.

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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Key Technologies in Power Internet of Things Based on Comprehensive Similarity of Cloud Model
    CHEN Lianfu, ZHONG Haiwang, TAN Zhenfei, RUAN Guangchun
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2024, 58 (1): 19-29.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.420
    Abstract1934)   HTML16)    PDF(pc) (1954KB)(156)       Save

    Currently, the comprehensive evaluation of the application of key technologies in the power Internet of Things (PIoT) has the characteristics of a single evaluation object, and the traditional evaluation methods are not applicable. In order to comprehensively evaluate the technology maturity and operational effectiveness of PIoT projects, a comprehensive evaluation index for key technologies in PIoT is established to comprehensively consider the different development stages. According to the characteristics of application scenario, an evaluation model based on the comprehensive similarity of cloud model is proposed. By reforming the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method, a decision matrix for a single evaluation object is constructed, and the shape-distance comprehensive similarity of the cloud model is used as a measure to characterize the relative closeness of the TOPSIS method, and the accurate evaluation of a single object is realized. Finally, the proposed method is applied to assess a PIoT demonstration project. The results show that the proposed comprehensive evaluation index and evaluation method can objectively and comprehensively evaluate the comprehensive application effect of each key technology in the construction and operation stages of PIoT.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Critical care medicine and safety management of high-risk surgical patients
    CHEN Erzhen
    Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice    2023, 28 (05): 399-401.   DOI: 10.16139/j.1007-9610.2023.05.01
    Abstract100)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (755KB)(198)       Save

    At present, although the mortality of most patients undergoing major surgery is very low, the increase of so-called high-risk surgery patients with high risk of postoperative complications and death brings new challenges to perioperative safety management. The efficient collaboration of multidisciplinary professional teams based on patient-centered and value-based medicine is a new measure to ensure perioperative safety. Among them, the critical care medical professional team plays a key role in risk assessment, perioperative organ protection, close monitoring and specific early intervention for high-risk patients, so as to achieve timely prevention, early identification and effective treatment of postoperative complications, and to reduce the risk of death and improve the postoperative quality of life.

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     Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery from 2019 to 2022

    PAN Xian, XU Qi
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery    2023, 19 (6): 570-.  
    Abstract84)      PDF(pc) (840KB)(452)       Save
    Objective To analyze the change of the main bibliometrics indexes of Journal of Tissue Engineering and
    Reconstructive Surgery in recent 4 years, and to compare with other journals of cosmetic and plastic surgery. Methods Based
    on the statistical data from the Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports (Core Version), the main bibliometric indicators of Tissue
    Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery, including total cites, impact factor, fund paper ratio, other-citing rate and other citing
    indexes, were statistically and longitudinal analyzed, and horizontal comparisons were made with 5 cosmetic and plastic surgery
    journals with similar publication backgrounds. Results In the past four years, the total cites and published article numbers in
    Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery increased steadily, while the impact factor, fund paper ratio, and comprehensive
    evaluation scores showed a downward trend, and the other-citing rate remained at about 0.9. Compared with other journals of
    cosmetic and plastic surgery, the total cites, impact factor and published article numbers of our journal ranked at the bottom, but
    the other-citing rate, fund paper ratio, and comprehensive evaluation scores ranked at the top. Conclusion The short-term
    goal and direction of the journal is to organize high-quality papers and enhance the scope of the journal.
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    Wind Power Scenario Generation Method and Application Based on Spatiotemporal Covariance Function
    PENG Xinghao, LI Yanting
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2023, 57 (12): 1531-1542.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.180
    Abstract353)   HTML277)    PDF(pc) (8178KB)(243)       Save

    Wind power generation is different from traditional power generation in which wind power output is highly stochastic and spatio-temporally dependent. In the optimal scheduling problem of wind power grid-connected power system, ensuring the optimal execution of power scheduling in different wind power scenarios is the key of the decision-making problem. Therefore, high quality wind power scenario generation is of great importance. The spatiotemporal correlation of the output power of wind power plants are characterized based on Gaussian stochastic process and spatiotemporal covariance function, and the joint probability distribution is established by the Pair Copula model, and specific scenarios are implemented by the method of empirical probability inverse transformation. A variety of scene metrics of the generated scene are generated, which verifies the superiority of the generated scene. Finally, based on the modified IEEE 6-bus system, a mixed integer programming model for the unit output of the power system is established to solve the problems in different scenarios and verify the economic advantages of the scenario generation method in the dispatching problem of wind power grid connection.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Business Models for Large-Scale Energy Storage Systems to Participate in Electricity Spot Market
    LI Qian, JIANG Xin, ZHANG Junzhao, DUAN Shijie, JIN Yang
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2023, 57 (12): 1543-1558.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.187
    Abstract342)   HTML269)    PDF(pc) (9620KB)(296)       Save

    In this paper, large-scale energy storage system(ESS) is taken as the research object to conduct study of business models on the participation of ESS in electricity spot market with liberalization. First, based on the typical market clearing mechanism at home and abroad, the clearing method, clearing calculation process and so on in day-ahead market and real-time balance market are analyzed, and a joint clearing mechanism suitable for large-scale ESS to participate in the spot market is proposed, including bidding method, billing method and clearing method, etc. Then, in order to fully explore the market value and other added value of large-scale ESS, to enhance cluster effect and to solve the problem of idle ESS capacity, business models suitable for large-scale ESS to participate in the spot market are proposed, including independent (single investment entity, single service model), alliance (diversified investment entities, single service model), and shared (diversified investment entities, diversified service models) models. The game relationship in the market transaction chain is analyzed, of which the electric energy value, the ancillary service value, and other added value are quantified. On this basis, a bilevel clearing model paradigm for ESS to participate in the spot joint market of different business models is constructed based on the master-slave game. In the upper-level model, large-scale ESS is the leader to participate in market competition with the goal of maximizing profits, while the dispatching and trading center in the lower-level model are followers to jointly clear the market with the goal of maximizing social welfare. Finally, the validity and feasibility of the proposed business models are verified by taking typical transaction scenarios as examples based on the improved IEEE30 node system.

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    Coordinated Scheduling of Multiple Buildings with Electric-Hydrogen Complementary Considering Frequency Stability Constraints
    FAN Hong, WANG Lankun, XING Mengqing, TIAN Shuxin, YU Weinan
    Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University    2023, 57 (12): 1559-1570.   DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.380
    Abstract192)   HTML16)    PDF(pc) (2948KB)(130)       Save

    In order to achieve the dual carbon goal of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”, it is of great significance to promote the electric and hydrogen complementary integrated energy system. However, with the gradual increase of the penetration rate of renewable energy, the inertia level of the system decreases, and the frequency security is threatened. Aimed at the problem that the traditional optimization scheduling method cannot guarantee the frequency stability of the system, a coordinated optimization scheduling method of electric-hydrogen complementary multiple buildings considering the frequency stability constraint is proposed. First, the architecture of the electric-hydrogen integrated energy system with the building as the ground floor unit is established, and the renewable energy generator sets in the system are controlled by the virtual synchronous generator technology to improve the inertia level of the system. Then, aimed at minimizing the total operating cost of the system in the scheduling period, and considering the inertia requirements of the system in different operation modes of grid-connected and islanding, an optimal scheduling model considering the system frequency stability constraint is established. Finally, an example is given to verify the effectiveness, economy, and environmental protection of the proposed method for frequency stability of the system.

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    fficacy analysis and patient satisfaction study of postoperative elect beam radiotherapy for refractory keloid

    ZHAO Min, LI Li, ZHAO Ruidong, et al
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery    2023, 19 (6): 544-.  
    Abstract115)      PDF(pc) (1162KB)(205)       Save
    Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of postoperative electron beam radiotherapy for intractable keloid and the influencing factors of recurrence, and to evaluate patients’ satisfaction with the therapeutic effect. Methods From 2019 to 2021, 37 patients with refractory keloids, including 40 keloids, were treated with electron beam irradiation after operation.
    The radiotherapy was conducted with 6-9 MeV electron beam irradiation from the skin, and the irradiation dose was 20 Gy/5
    Gy/4 F. The general clinical data of patients were collected and followed up regularly after operation. After the observation,
    questionnaires were distributed to all patients to evaluate their satisfaction. The treatment effect and adverse reactions of patients
    were analyzed, and the factors affecting recurrence were analyzed by Logistic regression. Results Among the 40 scars, 4 cases
    (10%) recurred after treatment, and 5 cases (12.5%) had no obvious change after treatment, and the effective rate was 77.5%.
    The main adverse reactions were skin pigmentation and incision expansion. Univariate analysis showed that sex, past history,
    time interval from operation to radiotherapy, continuous irradiation and plasma fibrinogen content were related to recurrence.
    Multivariate analysis showed that the interval between operation and radiotherapy for more than 24 hours was an independent
    risk factor for recurrence, and continuous irradiation was an independent protective factor. Recurrence, incision expansion
    and pigmentation were the main reasons for patients’ dissatisfaction. Conclusion Surgery combined with electron beam radiotherapy is an effective method for the treatment of refractory keloid. The time from operation to radiotherapy and continuous
    irradiation are independent prognostic factors affecting the recurrence of keloid, and the subjective evaluation of patients is not
    completely consistent with their clinical manifestations and examinations.
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