当代外语研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03): 11-16.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2018.03.002
QU Weiguo
摘要: 有关经典的讨论常常将经典阅读和经典书目混为一谈。许多讨论以为经典阅读的关键是选对书目。我们认为,书目只是第一步。经典阅读时之所以会出现思想停摆是因为:(1)人们混淆了经典阅读与一般阅读的区别;(2)人们误把认知当作思想;(3)人们在阐释经典时追求确定性而忽视其复杂的意义潜势。唯有把经典阅读看作是独立、自由的思想活动,经典文本才能充分发挥其振聋发聩的作用。
曲卫国. 经典阅读与思想停摆[J]. 当代外语研究, 2018, 18(03): 11-16.
QU Weiguo. Abstracts of Major Papers in This IssueAbsence of Thinking in Reading Classics[J]. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 2018, 18(03): 11-16.
Alter, R. 1989. The Pleasure of Reading in an Ideological Age [M]. New York: Simon and Schuster. Arendt, H. 1971. The Life of the Mind [M]. San Diego: A Harvest Book. Barthes, R. 1975. The Pleasure of the Text (trans. by R. Miller) [M]. New York: Hill and Wang. Bloom, H. 1994. The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages [M]. New York: Harcourt Brace. Eliot, T.S. 1975. What is a classic? [A]. In F. Kermode (ed.). Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot [C]. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 115-131. Foucault, M. 2015. Language, Madness and Desire (trans. by R. Bononno) [M]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. Frost, R. 1979. Education by Poetry [OL]. [2018-01-03]. http://www.theimaginativeconservative.org/2013/05/education-by-poetry-robert-frost.html. Kemp, J.C. 2015. Robert Frost and New England: The Poet as a Regionalist [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kermode, F. 2004. Pleasure and Change: The Aesthetics of Canon [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kolbas, E.D. 2001. Critical Theory and the Literary Canon [M]. Boulder: Westview Press. Laughlin, R.B. 2008. The Crime of Reason: And Its Closing of the Scientific Mind [M]. New York: Basic Books. Mikics, D. 2013. Slow Reading in a Hurried Age [M]. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Miller, J.H. 2002. On Literature: Thinking in Action [M]. London: Routledge. Nabokov, V. 1982. Good readers and good writers [A]. In F. Bowers (ed.). Lectures on Literature [C]. London: Mariner Books. 1-8. Pack, R. & J. Parini. 1996. Touchstone: American Poets on a Favorite Poem [C]. Hanover: University Press of New England. Sontag, S. 1966. Against interpretation [A]. In. S. Sontag (ed.). Against Interpretation and Other Essays [C]. New York: Picador. 3-14. Stevens, W. 1951. Imagination as value [A]. In W. Stevens (ed.). The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination [C]. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 131-156. Woolf, V. 1935. How should one read a book? [A]. In V. Woolf (ed.). The Common Reader Second Series [C]. 148-155. 曲卫国. 2017. 拜读经典的祸害:谈谈经典阅读去神化问题[J]. 当代外语研究(5):3-5, 8. |
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