当代外语研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (04): 75-80.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2017.04.013

• 翻译研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


谭莲香, 辛红娟   

  1. 长沙理工大学/中南大学,长沙,410114;
  • 出版日期:2017-07-28 发布日期:2020-07-25
  • 作者简介:谭莲香,中南大学外国语学院博士生,长沙理工大学外国语学院讲师。主要研究方向为翻译理论与实践。电子邮箱:clgtanlianxiang@126.com
  • 基金资助:

On Foreign Co-translators of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung

TAN Lianxiang, XIN Hongjuan   

  • Online:2017-07-28 Published:2020-07-25

摘要: 在中国文化对外传播的语境下,如何完善现有译者模式并提高传播效果,是需要深入探讨的问题。就合作翻译而言,《毛泽东选集》英译这一经典案例为当前中译外合作翻译提供了诸多启示。《毛选》英译外来译者(历史文件中称“外国专家”)的构成、历史贡献、集体隐身于翻译史的史实都与政治因素息息相关。在当前中西文化交流不平衡的语境下,要将合作翻译的优势最大化,至少需要考虑以下三因素:合作翻译的外来译者应对中国文化持平等、尊重态度的文化协调者;应充分发挥外来译者的译语文化优势,尊重其翻译策略,以拓展中国文化核心价值观在异域的生存空间;外来译者在中国翻译史中宜享有应有的地位。

关键词: 《毛泽东选集》, 合作翻译, 外来译者, 翻译的政治

Abstract: It is worthwhile to discuss how to improve present translator models so as to better reception of Chinese cultural classics in target culture. This paper explores the shaping factors of co-translation and possible ways to improve it by taking the English translation of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung as an example. Analysis indicates that political forces enabled the formation of the group of foreign translators, whose duty was to advise instead of making decisions, and led to invisibility of them in Chinese translation history. When co-translation is taken to introduce Chinese culture to English culture, three elements needs to be considered: foreign translator's cultural identity, translation strategy and position in Chinese translation history. Proper partners are those who have deep understanding of and show respect for Chinese culture. Foreign translators' translation strategy should be respected due to their closeness to the target culture when it does not distort the essence of source text. And finally a proper position in Chinese translation history needs to be guaranteed.
