Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 21-28.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2021.03.002

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“New Humanities” or “New Discipline”?——A Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Foreign Literature from the Perspective of New Humanities

LIU Jianjun()   

  • Online:2021-06-28 Published:2021-09-30


At present, new humanities must be constructed under the background of overall promotion of “new discipline”. The essence of new-discipline construction is to establish a new mode of training talents who meet the needs of the development in the 21st century, rather than to simply do the so-called “teaching reform”. The innovation of “new discipline” is mainly reflected in the following four aspects: first, the organic integration of humanities, science and engineering, and professional curriculum and ideological-political education; second, the reorganization or creation of new knowledge and new specialty system; third, the emphasis on the cultivation of people's thinking ability through the teaching of knowledge; and fourth, the establishment of new subject relationship between “teaching” and “learning”. On this basis, new foreign literature teaching must redefine the connotation of the discipline itself and the composition of new knowledge system; cultivate teachers’ and students’ thinking ability on the premise of “asking questions” through “back to the text” and “out of the text”; and improve learners' understanding of different essence between Chinese and foreign cultures to better serve the Chinese literary discourse system construction.

Key words: context of new humanities, basic connotation of new discipline, reconstruction of knowledge system, reform of foreign literature

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