Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 5-8.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.001

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Pursuit of Excellence in Ordinariness: College Teacher's Responsibilities in the Construction of the Discipline of Foreign Languages

XU Jun()   

  • Online:2022-04-28 Published:2022-03-28


At present, China places great emphasis on cultivating talents of foreign languages, which presents an enormous opportunity for the construction of the discipline of foreign languages. Both the cultivation of foreign language talents and the construction of the discipline require active and extensive participation of college teachers. It is suggested that we should have the following qualifications or pursue the following goals: (1) a clear positioning; (2) true love for your work; (3) long-term accumulation; (4) an exploratory spirit; (5) a keen awareness for exchange and communication; (6) a spirit to serve society and country; (7) broad-mindedness in your personality.

Key words: college teachers' responsibilities, construction of the discipline of foreign languages, cultivation of foreign language talents

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