The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Journal Cluster Platform is an online product operated by the SJTU Journal Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Journal Center” or “we”). When you use the services of the SJTU Journal Cluster Platform, we may collect your personal information. The Journal Center understands the importance of personal information to you and is committed to protecting the security and reliability of your personal information. We are dedicated to maintaining your trust by adhering to the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of choice and consent, the principle of data minimization, the principle of security assurance, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of openness and transparency. Furthermore, the Journal Center commits to following industry standards of security and implementing appropriate security measures to protect your personal information. To this end, we have developed a privacy policy that applies to your access to the SJTU Journal Cluster Platform and any personal information provided or retained while using all products or services provided by the Journal Center.
Publication Policies
1. Author Responsibilities:
Authors commit that their submissions are original and lawful, have not been published in any official publication, and are not being submitted elsewhere. Authors must correctly cite the work of others. During the submission process, authors are required to submit a copyright agreement, confirming that the work does not involve confidential content. If the first author is a graduate student, they must obtain the consent of their supervisor and list the supervisor as a corresponding contact.
Authors are encouraged to share data and materials within the bounds of copyright and legality and are required to manage the original records and experimental data related to the submission in a unified manner for future reference if needed. Manuscripts should not be submitted through any agency or intermediary; if a manuscript is found to have been submitted by an agent, it will be rejected.
Work involving humans and/or animals must comply with institutional ethics committee guidelines, and the relevant ethical approval documents must be provided.
Only those who have made significant contributions to the research and the paper can be listed as authors. Specific contribution criteria include:
(1) Significant contributions to the concept or design of the research or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data;
(2) Drafting the paper or critically revising it for important intellectual content;
(3) Approving the final version of the paper to be published;
(4) Agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the paper are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being responsible for their own contributions, authors must also know which co-author is responsible for which specific part of the research. Authors should trust the integrity of their co-authors' contributions. All individuals designated as authors must meet all four criteria, and those who meet all four criteria should be listed as authors. Author names will be listed in the order of contribution in the final publication, with no indication of contribution size or equal contribution unless specifically requested by the authors. If necessary, specific contributions of each author can be made public alongside the paper. The corresponding author is the individual primarily responsible for communication with the journal during submission, peer review, and publication, ensuring that the submission complies fully with the journal’s requirements.
2. Editor Responsibilities:
Editors must make decisions to accept or reject papers based on academic quality, reviewer comments, the originality of the research, and the relevance to the journal, following principles of fairness, impartiality, and timeliness.
Editors must ensure the transparency of academic research and retract, correct, or amend papers when necessary.
Editors must uphold confidentiality, maintaining strict confidentiality of reviewer information. No information about the manuscript can be disclosed before publication.
Editors should provide detailed revision suggestions or reasons for rejection and avoid relaying offensive or defamatory comments.
Editors are responsible for evaluating reviewer performance. If any suspicious behavior is identified during peer review, editors should cautiously resolve it based on facts.
Editors must avoid handling manuscripts where they have a conflict of interest.
3. Reviewer Responsibilities:
Reviewers must provide timely, detailed, constructive, and impartial assessments of the manuscript's scientific content.
They must ensure that the article is relevant, concise, clear, and assess its originality and scientific accuracy.
Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process.
If a reviewer feels unqualified to review a manuscript or cannot do so in a timely manner, they should promptly inform the editor.
If a reviewer identifies any conflicts of interest related to the manuscript, they should notify the editor and decline to review the manuscript.
If a reviewer notices any ethical issues or significant similarities between the manuscript and previously published works, they should promptly notify the editor.
4. Publisher Responsibilities:
The hosting and publishing units must adhere to ethical standards in academic publishing, ensuring the timely, accurate, and fair publication of scientific papers.
Publishers must not interfere with editorial decisions.
If a manuscript that has been accepted is later found to involve academic misconduct, the journal has the right to withdraw it. If an already published paper is found to involve academic misconduct, the journal will retract it and issue a retraction notice.
All journal content is open access.
5. Copyright and Licensing:
In accordance with the open-access model, all papers comply with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).
6. Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies:
To ensure the safe, reliable, and ethical use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies, and to provide greater transparency and guidance for authors, readers, reviewers, and editors, the journal has implemented this policy and will closely monitor the development and application of such technologies, making adjustments as needed.
? Author Responsibilities: (1) Authors may use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies during the writing process before submission solely to improve the language and readability of the paper, but such use must be disclosed as required by the journal. Authors remain fully responsible for the content of the work. (2) The use of AI and AI-assisted technologies must be disclosed in the manuscript, and a corresponding statement should be published with the paper. (3) AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as authors or co-authors, as authorship can only be attributed to tasks performed by humans. (4) AI or AI-assisted tools must not be used to generate, modify, or manipulate original research data and results unless they are part of the research design or methodology, in which case their use must be clearly and reproducibly described in the article, including the model or tool name, version, extension number, manufacturer, and usage details.
? Editor Responsibilities: Editors must not upload submitted manuscripts or any part thereof to generative AI tools, as this may infringe on the authors' privacy and proprietary rights, and, in cases where manuscripts contain personally identifiable information, may violate data privacy rights.
? Reviewer Responsibilities: Due to the confidentiality of the peer review process, reviewers must not upload submitted manuscripts or any part thereof to generative AI tools, as this could infringe on authors' privacy and manuscript copyright, especially if the paper contains personally identifiable information. Confidentiality applies equally to peer review reports, and reviewers should not upload their peer review reports to AI tools even for the purpose of improving language and readability.