Study on the Evolution Law of Potassium with Long Time Scale Climate Change in Jiangjun Loess Section of the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River |
Li-jie WU1,2, Juan YU1,3, Jian-sheng SHI1, Cheng-min WANG1, Zhi-wei BI1, Jiao GUO1 |
1.The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology; CAGS; Shijiazhuang 050061, China 2.Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi 'an 710069, China 3.School of Environment Studies, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China |
Abstract From the perspective of application of paleoclimatology, the evolution law of potassium in soil with long time scale climate change is discussed quantitatively and the main conclusions are as follows.The relationship of the content of available potassium and slowly available potassium and the annual precipitation or the annual temperature obey the exponential function model.The fitting equations of potassium effectiveness and the annual precipitation or the annual temperature accord with the parabolic function model.There is a critical value, only the average temperature(over 9.5°C)or the annual precipitation(over 577.3mm), and its effectiveness presents obviously a progressive increase with the increase of the annual precipitation or the annual temperature.The fitting relationship of the content of available potassium and slowly available potassium, potassium effectiveness and paleoclimatic coupling conditions comply with the Cobd-Douglas equations.
Received: 15 April 2015
Published: 08 March 2016
深度/m Depth | 地层岩性特征 Stratum rock characteristic | 采样数/组 Sampling number | 测试数/组 Testing number | 0~0.38 | 表土(TS):浅灰褐色亚砂土, 疏松多孔、根系发育 | 19 | 14 | 0.38~0.60 | 现代黄土(L0):浅灰黄色亚砂土, 与下伏地层界线清晰; | 11 | 11 | 0.60~1.60 | 古土壤(S0):灰黑色黑垆土, 疏松多孔, 根系发育, 含大量的灰白色钙质假菌丝体, 部分土粒呈团粒状。自上而下, 菌丝体含量逐渐减少; | 50 | 50 | 1.60~2.40 | 过渡性黄土(Lt):浅灰黄色亚砂土, 含少量的菌丝体; | 40 | 40 | 2.40~3.00 | 马兰黄土(L1):浅灰黄色亚砂土。 | 30 | 30 |
The formation characteristics and the number of sampling and test samples of the Jiangjun section
拟合回归方程 Fitting regression equation | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient | 拟合度 Fitting degree | F值 F value | p-值 p-value | AKP=19.125 | 0.828 7 | 0.686 7 | 252.633 6 | 0.000 1 | SAKP=382.08 | 0.853 5 | 0.728 4 | 330.035 0 | 0.000 1 | IKP=17374 | 0.301 7 | 0.091 0 | 12.861 6 | 0.000 5 | TKP=17426 | 0.413 5 | 0.171 0 | 26.142 4 | 0.000 1 | AKT=26.831 | 0.831 6 | 0.691 6 | 257.975 9 | 0.000 1 | SAKT=382.08 | 0.856 4 | 0.733 4 | 338.471 8 | 0.000 1 | IKT=17954 | 0.299 0 | 0.089 4 | 12.611 1 | 0.000 5 | TKT=18235 | 0.411 5 | 0.169 3 | 25.843 0 | 0.000 1 |
The curve fitting results of between the forms of potassium and the annual precipitationandthe annual average temperature
The linear fitting of between the supply intensity of potassium and the annual precipitation(a), the annual temperature(b)
The curve fitting of between the potassium availability and the annual precipitation(a), the annual temperature(b)
拟合回归方程 Fitting regression equation | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient | 拟合度 Fitting degree | F值 F value | p-值 p-value | AK=P44.749T-32.954 | 0.844 4 | 0.713 0 | 175.148 8 | 0.000 1 | SAK=e-131.750P29.464T-21.646 | 0.866 0 | 0.750 0 | 211.513 9 | 0.000 1 | IK=e35.463P-5.549T4.328 | 0.335 6 | 0.112 6 | 8.949 5 | 0.000 2 | TK=e24.992P-3.304T2.660 2 | 0.427 4 | 0.182 7 | 15.755 0 | 0.000 1 | E=e-157.011P33.821T-25.085 | 0.859 3 | 0.738 4 | 199.018 2 | 0.000 1 | S=e-74.360P15.285T-11.308 | 0.303 0 | 0.550 4 | 30.642 7 | 0.000 1 |
The Cobd-Douglas equation between potassium and paleoclimate factors
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