组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2009, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (6): 331-332.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2009.006.009

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  1. 泰安市中心医院骨科
  • 发布日期:2020-07-23

Experience of the Comprehensive Treatment to Limb-salvage Operation of Lower Limb Destructive Injury

WANG Jun, ZHANG Kaigang, ZHANG Yuedong   

  1. Department of Orthopedic Surgery; Taian Central Hospital; Taian 27100; China.
  • Published:2020-07-23

摘要: 目的通过对下肢严重毁损伤的诊疗的回顾性总结,探讨救治并进一步保全肢体和功能的方法。方法总结近5年来17例严重下肢毁损伤病人,均在伤后6~8 h内给予急症手术,根据情况行内固定或外固定,吻合损伤的血管和神经,一期或二期皮瓣转移或移植,术后给予综合治疗。结果本组中1例因单侧腹股沟以下血管多段挫裂并致缺血坏死,导致肾功能衰竭而截肢。其余16例病人肢体得以保全(其中有1例因家庭原因后来进行了截肢),15例术后功能评价良好。结论合理的手术处理和术后的综合治疗,可以有效挽救严重创伤濒临截肢的肢体,降低致残率,减轻患者家庭及社会负担。

关键词: 下肢, 严重损伤, 综合治疗, 保全

Abstract: Objective To investigate the method and effect of comprehensive treatment of limb-salvage operation of lower limb destructive injury.Methods Summing up the 17 cases of serious lower limb destructive injuries in the past five years,all patients were given emergency surgery within 6-8 hours after injury,including internal or external fixation, anastomosis of damage blood vessels and nerves,first or second flap transplantation.After that comprehensive treatment was performed.Results One case was amputated due to below inguinal multi-vessel laceration and muscular necrosis.The lower limbs of destructive injury were salvaged in 16 cases.Conclusion Application of a reasonable comprehensive surgical treatment can effectively save the verge amputation limb of severe trauma and reduce disability rate.

Key words: Lower limb, Destructive injury, Comprehensive treatment, Salvage
