Abstract:In light of new-type weapon equipment in terminal defense-hypervelocity projectile (HVP) by electromagnetic launch, this paper first overviews the concept of electromagnetic rail gun, its system and working principle. Then the features of HVP by electromagnetic launch are analyzed. Based on this, foreign and domestic research status is reviewed. Besides, the key technologies to promote product serialization are discussed, among which includes multi-mode combined guidance, electromagnetic compatibility, etc. Finally, based on research achievements analysis related to HVP at home and abroad, this paper indicates that HVP will develop towards systemization, intellectualization, networking and coordination from product lifecycle management and general development model.
马晓平, 廖欣, 陈兵. 电磁发射超高速制导炮弹国内外研究现状综述[J]. 空天防御, 2021, 4(2): 87-.
MA Xiaoping, LIAO Xin, CHEN Bing. Research Review of Hypervelocity Projectile by Electromagnetic Launch at Home and Abroad. Air & Space Defense, 2021, 4(2): 87-.