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空天防御  2023, Vol. 6 Issue (3): 58-65    
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李超, 李浩, 苏号然
空军预警学院,湖北 武汉 430014
Analysis of the Development of Foreign Small Loitering Munitions and Their Early Warning System Response Strategy
LI Chao, LI Hao, SU Haoran
Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan 430014, Hubei, China
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摘要 在纳卡冲突和俄乌冲突中,小型巡飞弹的实战应用再次引起了世界各军事强国对巡飞弹的重视。本文以国外小型巡飞弹为主要研究对象,论述了巡飞弹的发展历程,介绍了几种典型小型巡飞弹的发展现状及最新作战应用发展动态,并对几款小型巡飞弹性能参数进行了归纳对比。通过分析小型巡飞弹的典型作战应用类型以及作战优势,对未来预警系统应对小型巡飞弹作战提出了对策建议,为预警系统的建设发展提供了参考。
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关键词 小型巡飞弹预警系统应对策略    
Abstract:The use of small loitering munitions in the Armenia-Azerbaijan and the Russia-Ukraine conflicts has once again driven the interests of global military powers to develop loitering munitions. Taking foreign small loitering munitions as the main research object, this paper has discussed the development history of loitering munitions, including the development status of several typical small loitering munitions and their respective latest development of operational applications, and summarized and compared their performance parameters. According to the study of typical types of operational applications of small loitering munitions and their operational advantages, countermeasure suggestions were proposed for future early warning systems to cope with small loitering munitions operations, thus providing a reference for the construction and development of early warning systems.
Key wordssmall loitering munition    early warning system    coping strategies
收稿日期: 2022-10-20      出版日期: 2023-09-27
ZTFLH:  E 927  
作者简介: 李超(1995—),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为预警作战指挥。
李超, 李浩, 苏号然. 国外小型巡飞弹发展分析及其预警系统应对策略研究[J]. 空天防御, 2023, 6(3): 58-65.
LI Chao, LI Hao, SU Haoran. Analysis of the Development of Foreign Small Loitering Munitions and Their Early Warning System Response Strategy. Air & Space Defense, 2023, 6(3): 58-65.
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