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  1. (海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津
  • 发布日期:2020-04-26

Research on damage and risk of Collision of FPSO Boardside Risers

Huang Fu-xiang, Li Lihui, Yin Bing-gang, Liu Guo-feng, Chen Jin-ming   

  1. (Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin)
  • Published:2020-04-26

摘要: 采用风险矩阵法对FPSO舷侧立管碰撞风险进行了研究,确定了典型碰撞事故的风险等级并研究了解决措施。基于非线性有限元软件LS-DYNA,建立了补给船、FPSO舷侧立管以及立管防护结构的有限元模型并进行碰撞模拟研究,得到了结构损伤变形和能量吸收转化结果,以此划分了碰撞后果的危险等级。结合相关海域的历史数据,划分了船舶碰撞的发生概率。结果表明,靠近舷侧立管的补给船速度应控制在0.32m/s以内,舷侧立管外设置防护结构能够有效降低舷侧立管受到船舶撞击的风险水平。

Abstract: Risk of the collision of FPSO boardside risers was researched by using the risk matrix method and typical collision accidents were studied about its risk level as well as solutions. Finite element models were established for the replenishment ship, FPSO boardside riser and fendering device by the nonlinear FEM software LS-DYNA. Structure damage deformation, energy absorption and transformation were abtained and then consequence level was divided. According to the historical data of relevant sea area, the frequency of ship collision was determined. The results indicated that cruising speed of the supply ship near the side riser should be controlled within 0.32m/s and the fendering device can be fairly effective to low down the risk level of ship collision.