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  • 发布日期:2020-04-26

Review and Prospect of Long-term Deep-sea Sampling Technology

  • Published:2020-04-26

摘要: 深海蕴藏着丰富的矿产与生物资源,对海底沉积物与深海生物的研究离不开深海保真取样器。为克服回收期间经历的“海水—空气”环境变化,现有的水面船用取样器一般要求同时对样品进行保压和保温;而深海载人科考的发展,使得在海底原位环境取样后直接进行存储与再处理成为了可能。本文通过综合现有的保温保压取样技术,分析了该技术在国内外多年来的发展趋势,提出了在长周期科考模式下利用无人遥控潜水器(ROV)进行保真取样的设想。

Abstract: This article reviews the development of deep-sea sampling technology. Samplers for sediment and water have been widely applied on deep-sea geological and biological research. To preserve the original form of the samples, long-term sampling technology as thermal insulation and pressure retention have been taken into consideration. Meanwhile, the deep-sea manned vehicle has been largely developed during the recent decades, which provides an in-situ platform for storing and processing samples. Hence, this article further proposes a state-of-the-art idea of long-term deep-sea sampling by Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV).