海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 10-17.

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  1. 上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院海洋智能装备与系统教育部重点试验室,上海  200240
  • 出版日期:2024-05-28 发布日期:2024-05-29

Vertical Anti-pullout Capacity of Consolidated Pile-type Caissons in Cohesive Seabed

PAN Wenhao, YANG Xinzhu, ZHANG Minxi, YU Guoliang   

  1. School of Naval Architectune, Ocean & Civil Engieering, MOE Key Laboratory of Marine Intelligigent Equipment and System of the Ministry of Euduction, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Online:2024-05-28 Published:2024-05-29

摘要: 随着海洋工程的日益大型化、深水化,亟需发展新型的水下基础建设方法。本文介绍了一种结合了吸力式沉箱与海工固结锚技术的固结桩式沉箱,描述了其结构与工作原理,并在试验室内开展了一系列的垂向上拔试验,观测分析了灌浆量及桩管长度对抗拔力的影响。试验表明,固结材料与桩管底部四周土体结合所形成的次生固结体大大增加了抗剪面积,固结桩式沉箱的抗拔能力较吸力式沉箱有显著提升;沉箱的灌浆量宜取1/20Ms(Ms为沉箱内能容纳的土体质量);短粗沉箱的最大抗拔力在桩管长度为1.5H(H为沉箱的高度)时出现拐点,细长沉箱的最大抗拔力拐点出现在桩管长度1.5H~2H区间。固结桩式沉箱的抓重比较传统沉箱更高,施工便捷,具有良好的工程应用前景。

关键词: 固结桩式沉箱, 黏性海床, 灌浆量, 抗拔力, 水下固结, 上拔试验

Abstract: With development of marine engineering in large-scale and deep-water, it is necessity to develop new techniques for underwater foundation constructions. This article introduces a consolidated pile-type caisson, which combines suction caisson and marine consolidation anchor technology. The caisson's structure and operational principles is introduced. A series lab tests are conducted for its characteristics of vertical pull-out forces. The experiments demonstrate that the caisson's shear area is significantly increased by the secondary consolidated body and then significantly enhances the anti-pullout capacity compared to conventional suction caissons. The recommended caisson fill volume is 1/20 of Ms, where Ms represents the mass of soil that grout-in the pile. The maximum anti-pullout force of coarser caissons occurs when the length of the pile is 1.5H (H is the height of the caisson), while for slender caissons, the maximum anti-pullout force occurs within the 1.5H—2H of the pile length. The consolidated pile-type caisson processing higher holding capacity to its weight higher than traditional caisson and easy construction would have promising potential engineering applications.

Key words: consolidated pile-type caisson, cohesive seabed, grout-in quantity, anti-pullout capacity, underwater consolidation, uplift test
