海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 116-121.

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刘  超,李欧萍,程光远,沈  琦,喻西崇   

  1. 中海石油(中国)有限公司北京新能源分公司,北京  102200
  • 出版日期:2024-05-28 发布日期:2024-05-30

Techno-economic Evaluation of Hydrogen Production through Offshore Wind Farms

LIU Chao, LI Ouping, CHENG Guangyuan, SHEN Qi, YU Xichong   

  1. CNOOC  Beijing New Energy Branch, Beijing 102200, China
  • Online:2024-05-28 Published:2024-05-30

摘要: 我国深远海海上风电资源储量丰富,是未来海上风电发展的重要方向。但深远海风电面临电力消纳难、送出成本高等多方面影响,需要新的开发模式和技术创新来推动深远海风电的发展。海上风电制氢有助于提升新型电力系统灵活性和安全性,可实现能源大规模、长时段存储。本文以某200万千瓦远海风电场为算例,基于当前市场价格和文献资料,从平准化制氢成本和财务内部收益率等角度,对比分析了陆上离网制氢和海上平台制氢管道输氢两种模式的技术经济性。基于全生命周期成本分析,海上平台制氢管道输氢模式制氢成本更低,且电解水制氢系统初始投资和运维成本对成本影响显著增大。从经济性上看,当电力能够全部上网消纳时,海上风电电力上网将比陆上制氢获得更高的收益。

关键词: 海上风电, 电解水制氢, 经济性分析

Abstract: Offshore wind resources in deep-water is more abundant and will be one of the main development trends in the next few years. However, offshore wind development faces many challenges such as the power transmission and consumption. It needs new development models and technological innovations to be promoted. Hydrogen production through offshore wind would improve the power system flexibility and safety, and could be used as renewable energy storage to achieve large-scale and long-term storage. Based on the market price and literature, the tech-economic comparison and evaluation are carried of onshore off-grid hydrogen production and offshore hydrogen production with pipeline from the levelized cost of hydrogen and internal rate of return. Based on the whole life cost, the levelized cost of hydrogen production through offshore with pipeline is lower and the CAPEX and OPEX of water electrolysis system have a significant impact on the LCOH. In terms of economy, offshore wind will obtain higher returns than offshore hydrogen production if all electricity could be imported to the power system.

Key words: offshore wind, electrolysis water, tech-economic evaluation
