海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 37-41.doi: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2024.01.06

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马德强,李  楠,王  伟,马建强,华东阳   

  1. 海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津 300451
  • 出版日期:2024-05-28 发布日期:2024-05-29
  • 基金资助:

Research on Testing Technology of Deep Water Jacket Pile Gripper for Oil and Gas Applications

MA Deqiang, LI Nan, WANG Wei, MA Jianqiang,HUA Dongyang   

  1. Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300451, China
  • Online:2024-05-28 Published:2024-05-29

摘要: 导管架夹桩器是海上导管架平台安装作业的关键设备,安装在导管架裙桩套筒顶部,在作业时驱动液压缸夹持钢桩,以保证钢桩与导管架的相对固定。在导管架的安装过程中,一旦夹桩器发生故障,会严重影响整个海上安装计划,造成巨大的经济损失。因此,为了保障夹桩器的产品质量,在陆地开展夹桩器关键部件的出厂测试、总装后的出厂测试、安装到导管架后的系统测试,以验证夹桩器的功能完整性,是非常必要的。

关键词: 夹桩器, 测试技术, 导管架平台, 驱动系统

Abstract: The jacket pile gripper is a key equipment for the installation of offshore jacket platforms. It is installed on top of the jacket skirt pile sleeve. During operation, the hydraulic cylinder is driven to clamp the steel pile to ensure the relative fixation between the steel pile and the jacket. If the gripper fails during the installation process of the jacket platform, it will seriously affect the entire offshore installation plan and cause huge economic losses. Therefore, in order to ensure the product quality of the gripper, it is necessary to conduct factory testing of key components of the gripper on land, factory testing after final assembly, and system testing after installation on the jacket platform to verify the functional integrity of the pile clamp.

Key words: gripper, testing technology, jacket platform, driving system
