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阎军1, 胡海涛1 ,尹原超2, 卢青针2, 岳前进2   

  1. (1.大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系,大连 116024;2.大连理工大学海洋科学与技术学院,盘锦 124221)
  • 发布日期:2020-04-26

Experimental Testing Technology of Marine Flexible Pipeline and Umbilical Cables

  1. (1. Department of Engineering Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysisfor Industrial Equipment, Dalian Universityof Technology, Dalian 116024, China;2. School o f Ocean Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin 124221, China)
  • Published:2020-04-26

摘要: 海洋油气资源的开发离不开海洋装备的研发和应用。柔性管缆作为海洋油气资源开发中的关键装备,其安全性和可靠性是非常重要的。由于海洋柔性管缆多层级和螺旋缠绕的结构特点,从设计到应用的过程中,需要依靠实验测试技术来保障其应用的安全性和可靠性。本文重点针对海洋油气开发用柔性管道和脐带缆的实验测试技术展开研究,对国际通用的柔性管道和脐带缆测试规范进行介绍,通过大量的调研针对其中的关键测试类型进行了详细的说明。希望通过海洋柔性管缆结构的实验测试技术的详细说明能够为海洋装备设计、实验测试和海洋管缆应用领域的工程人员提供有益的参考。

Abstract: The development of marine oil and gas resources is inseparable from the development and application of marine equipment. Flexible pipes and umbilical cables in marine equipment are the key equipment in the development of offshore oil and gas resources, and their safety and reliability is very important. Due to the multi-layer and spirally wound structural characteristics of marine flexible pipes and umbilical cables, the design and application of marine flexible pipes and umbilical cables need to rely on experimental testing techniques to ensure the safety and reliability of their applications. This article focuses on the experimental testing technology of flexible pipes and umbilical cables for offshore oil and gas development. It introduces the internationally used testing standards for flexible marine pipes and umbilical cables. Then through a large number of investigations, the key test types are explained in detail. It is hoped that the detailed description of the experimental testing technology of marine flexible pipes and umbilical cables can provide a certain reference for engineers in the field of marine equipment design, experimental testing and marine flexible pipeline, and umbilical cable application.