Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology
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LOU Ben-qiang
Abstract: Based on the updated requirements of “International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk”, the article discussed the saddle structure strength analysis between independent type-C liquid tank and hull construction using nonlinear contract technology. Investigations have been carried out from the references and FE model of a typical liquefied gas carrier, using MSC.Patran/Nastran software. Considering three loading conditions of static full loaded sagging, dynamic rolling and pitching, coupling with the ship motion and cargo tank. Accuracy and efficiency has been assessed between the results of temp rod and linear gap element methods; it has been observed the reliability and practicability of linear gap element application. Combined with the shipbuilding experiences and the numerical results, it was also found it is necessary considering the friction influences during the FE analysis. The paper has proposed an effective approach for carrier saddle strength analysis of type C LNG/LPG.
CLC Number:
LOU Ben-qiang. New IGC Code saddle model simulations of Type C LNG/LPG carrier[J]. Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology.
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