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Development of 20 m Seafloor Core Sampling Drill
Bu-yan WAN, Yong-ping JIN, Xiao-jun HUANG
Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology    2015, 2 (1): 1-5.   DOI:
Abstract   (229 HTML0 PDF(pc) (2436KB)(454)  

Seafloor core sampling drill is necessary equipment for marine geologic and environmental investigation. A 20 m seafloor core sampling drill is chosen as the study object. Its technical features and at-sea operation are described from the aspects of supporting and leveling mechanism technology, drill string making and breaking, drill rods storage technology, telemetry/telecontrol and high-speed data communication technology, as well as escape technology.

Fig.2 Structural model of onboard computer control system
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图2   机载控制计算机系统结构框图
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