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Several Well Completion Technologies for Deepwater Gas Field
Zheng TIAN, Ji-hua YE, Zheng-li LIU, Jun-feng LUO, Chun-jie ZHANG, Hao JIN
Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology    2015, 2 (1): 12-17.   DOI:
Abstract   (240 HTML0 PDF(pc) (1695KB)(312)  

With the development of offshore oil exploitation into the deepwater region, we encounter a series of difficulties and challenges in practice in the South China Sea during deepwater operation. The severe natural environment puts forward higher technology standards and requirements on deepwater well completion. In the aspects of well completion tools, equipment, construction technology and strategy, there exists obvious difference between deepwater tasks and shallow water or land operations. According to the characteristics of deepwater operation, some difficulties and key technologies are analyzed. The completion sand control, perforating technology, and fracturing filling technology are studied separately. In the deepwater well completion practice in South China Sea, the possible risk points and technical solutions are summarized. The results can provide reference for the subsequent design and operation.

序号 风险点 解决方案
1 筛管下不到井底 保证下入筛管前井眼未缩径,设计井筒条件防止井眼坍塌
2 砾石充填失效 控制最大井斜不超过60°,防止在充填过程中产生α-β波.采用变换路径技术,预防砂桥产生;使用录井工具检测充填质量
3 需重新进行上部完井 下部完井时下入过油管堵塞器,压井前隔离储层;所有用于高效重新完井的应急工具和设备都必须可用;采用可回收式封隔器
4 需重新进行下部完井 采用对储层无害的压井液体系;可回收式砾石充填封隔器,下部为剪切连接;专用打捞工具可用
5 充填工具遇卡 确保作业步骤的正确性,尤其是要注意在泵入砾石前需进行压力测试
6 下部完井隔离阀无法关闭 每次下井前更换转位工具的套筒/销子;砾石充填工具配有向下冲洗的设备,能在关闭隔离阀前对其进行冲洗
7 油管挂无法坐放 有工具穿过时必须安装采油树保护器;确保油管悬挂器按程序进行施工,并利用ROV进行水下监测;避免落物(在井筒内部)并确保所有事故的及时报告
8 生产封隔器坐封失败 在基于剪切销钉最大强度情况下,进行坐封压力的优化,封隔器可再次进行液压坐封
9 下部完井隔离阀无法打开 上部完井过程中保持井眼清洁; 预备好连续油管设备和工具
10 井下安全阀失效 依据可靠程度选择安全阀;在用包装及夹具连接时需要保护控制线路;高压密封件等及其安装程序需符合防震设计要求,安装应遵守作业程序
Table 1 Deepwater well completion operation risk points and solutions in M gas field
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表1   M深水气田完井作业风险点及应对措施
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