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Stress Analysis of High Temperature Piping in Offshore Platform
Hong-mei XU, Lei LI, Hua-wei HAN, Gong ZHANG, Tan-long ZHANG
Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology    2015, 2 (1): 36-39.   DOI:
Abstract   (243 HTML2 PDF(pc) (1644KB)(471)  

The temperature of exhaust pipe in offshore platform is very high. This high temperature will cause thermal stress in piping system and large force to connecting machine and hull structure during piping thermal expansion and contraction. Selection of expansion joint, pipeline arrangement, as well as type and structure of the supports have direct effects on the safety of connecting machine and hull structure. Static analysis and modal analysis are carried out with CAESARⅡ piping stress analysis software. The flexible factors of bend and tee of large diameter pipe are included as references. According to the calculation results, the primary stress and secondary stress of high temperature piping system can meet the standards.

编号 工况组合 工况描述 应力类型
L1 W+T1+
最大设计工况1 操作工况
L3 W+P1 自重+设计压力 持续工况
L4 W+T1+P1+U1 最大设计工况1+U1 操作工况
? ? ? ?
L7 L4-L1 加速度矢量1 偶然工况
? ? ? ?
L12 L1-L2 位移应力范围T1-T2 热膨胀工况
L13 L7+L8+L9 合成加速度矢量 偶然工况
Table 1 Load case combinations
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表1   设计载荷工况
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