海洋工程装备与技术  2015 , 2 (1): 18-22



叶晶1, 郭烈锦1*, 陈森林1, 李清平2, 李乃良2

1. 西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
2. 中海油研究总院,北京 100028

Comparative Experimental Study on Severe Slugging Characteristics in Different Riser Shapes

YE Jing1, GUO Lie-jin1, CHEN Sen-lin1, LI Qing-ping2, LI Nai-liang2

1. State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, China
2. CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100028, China

中图分类号:  TE83

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2095-7297(2015)01-0018-05

收稿日期: 2014-10-17

网络出版日期:  2015-02-20

版权声明:  2015 海洋工程装备与技术编辑部 版权所有

基金资助:  国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05026-004-02)






关键词: 海底管道 ; 严重段塞流 ; 竖直立管 ; S型柔性立管 ; 流型图


The characteristics of severe slugging flow in two types of riser systems are studied, including occurrence region, pressure fluctuations at riser base, cycle time, and liquid slug length. The flow pattern map in S-shaped flexible riser is compared with the classical severe slugging flow transition criteria. The experimental results show that the severe slugging cycles are similar in two types of risers. However, there is a second growth on the pressure fluctuations in the S-shaped riser compared with the vertical riser. The period duration in the S-shaped riser is longer, but the liquid slug length is shorter. The occurrence region of severe slugging flow in the S-shaped riser is smaller than that in the vertical riser.

Keywords: subsea pipeline ; severe slugging ; vertical riser ; S-shaped flexible riser ; flow pattern map


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叶晶, 郭烈锦, 陈森林, 李清平, 李乃良. 不同立管结构下严重段塞流特性的对比实验研究[J]. , 2015, 2(1): 18-22 https://doi.org/

YE Jing, GUO Lie-jin, CHEN Sen-lin, LI Qing-ping, LI Nai-liang. Comparative Experimental Study on Severe Slugging Characteristics in Different Riser Shapes[J]. 海洋工程装备与技术, 2015, 2(1): 18-22 https://doi.org/

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1 实验系统

1.1 实验环路

本文实验是在西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室油气水大型实验环路上进行的.本实验环道所采用的均为内径50 mm的不锈钢管,全长133 m,下倾管长度随着立管形式的不同而变化.当立管为竖直上升管时,下倾管长19 m,立管高度为15.3 m;S型柔性立管为内径50 mm的塑料软管,全长30 m,其中弯管顶部距立管底部高6.2 m,弯管底部距立管底部高2.2 m,立管出口距立管底部高15.3 m.下倾管的角度可以从-5°调整到+5°,在本文中为了比较方便,下倾管角度保持在-2°不变,因此,所有立管条件下,立管底部到气液分离器入口的竖直方向的高度均为15.3 m.

本文使用的工质为空气和水.用双螺杆压缩机将空气压缩至表压700 kPa,然后汇合由水箱经离心水泵抽出的自来水,并经气水混合装置混合输入水平环路及立管系统.水和空气在旋风分离器内分离,空气排空,水回水箱循环利用.

1.2 测量设备


图1   实验系统示意图

Fig.1   Schematic diagram of experiment system

实验中的信号通过NI PCI-6255M高速采集卡获得,采样频率为200 Hz.为了更好地对实验数据进行处理并获得准确的流动特征,每组采样时间设置为20 min.

本研究中,空气和水的流量覆盖了较广的范围,分别为:水相折算速度ULS=0.091.3 m/s;气相折算速度UGS=0.076 m/s.

2 严重段塞流流型图


图2图3分别比较了本文实验结果与Taitel等[8],修正的Bøe准则[9-10],Montgomery[11]和Tin[7]的实验结果.各实验管道内径均为50 mm.其中Wang[10]与Taitel等[8]的准则为竖直立管,Montgomery[11]和Tin[7]的准则为S型柔性立管,下倾管角度均为-2°.

图2   S型柔性立管气水两相流型图与严重段塞流判定准则比较

Fig.2   Comparison of gas-water two-phase flow pattern map in S-shaped flexible riser with severe slugging occurrence criteria

图3   S型柔性立管气水两相流型图与Tin实验结果比较

Fig.3   Comparison of gas-water two-phase flow pattern map in S-shaped flexible riser with Tin's experimental results




图3为本文实验数据与Tin实验数据比较示意图.Tin的实验采用的下倾段管长为60 m,立管高度为33 m.在气相调节阀门后液相混合点前,安装一缓冲容器,提高气体可压缩空间,而增大压缩空间相当于增大水平段管长.由式(1)可知,随着l的增大,严重段塞流区域向气相折算速度较大方向偏移.因此,如图3所示,Tin实验大于本实验中严重段塞流区域.其中气相和液相速度数表达式分别为:




3 立管结构对严重段塞流特性的影响

3.1 立管结构对流型变化的影响

图4给出了立管为竖直结构和S型柔性立管结构下气水两相严重段塞流发生区域的对比图.图中的数据点为本次实验所得的50 mm S型柔性立管中严重段塞流的数据点,蓝线为50 mm竖直立管严重段塞流区域,红线为50 mm S型柔性立管严重段塞流区域.从图中可以看到,竖直立管下严重段塞流区域比S型柔性立管要大很多.可见,S型柔性立管结构能够缩小发生严重段塞流的区域.

图4   两种结构下气水两相严重段塞流区域对比

Fig.4   Comparison of severe slugging occurrence region in two types of riser shapes

3.2 立管结构对立管底部压力波动的影响


图5   发生严重段塞流时压力曲线对比(ULS=0.1 m/s,UGS=0.2 m/s)

Fig.5   Comparison of the pressure fluctuations of severe slugging (ULS=0.1 m/s, UGS=0.2 m/s)


同时,当发生典型严重段塞流时,S型柔性立管中最大压力约为285 kPa,而竖直立管对应的最大压力约为250 kPa.这是因为S型柔性立管存在两个上升段和一个下降段,由前面的分析可知,下降段内液位高度小于下降段的竖直高度,且下降段内为层流,因此,S型柔性立管内最大压力大于竖直立管内最大压力.

3.3 立管结构对周期变化的影响

图6描述了在50 mm竖直立管和S型柔性立管两种结构下,严重段塞流周期随气相折算速度和液相折算速度的变化规律.从图中可以看出,随着气相,液相折算速度的增大,严重段塞流周期减小.但在相同的气相折算速度和液相折算速度条件下,竖直立管结构内严重段塞流周期更小.

图6   两种结构下气水两相严重段塞流周期随各相折算速度变化

Fig.6   Variation of gas-water two-phase severe slugging flow periods with superficial velocity in two types of riser shapes

3.4 立管结构对液塞长度变化的影响


图7   出口液塞相对长度随气相折算速度变化

Fig.7   Variation of relative length of liquid slug with gas superficial velocity

4 结 语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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In the offshore petroleum industry, it is important to recognize the severe slugging in multiphase flow patterns in oil and gas transportation through a pipeline–riser system. After analyzing the inadaptability of the existing methods, we proposed a simple and practical method of measuring the multiphase flow patterns based on pressure fluctuations. Our recognition was carried out in three steps. First, the outlet pressure signals were selected and processed because of their accessibility to practical applications in oil fields. Second, statistical and principal component analysis were performed on the sampled signals to obtain the clear interrelations between the signals and flow patterns and to extract useful features for forming flow pattern clusters for classification in the feature space. Finally, machine learning was applied to the clusters for constructing classifiers to predict the flow patterns automatically. The experimental results from a small-scale flow loop and an offshore petroleum field show that the proposed method is feasible and effective for recognizing the multiphase flow patterns in the pipeline–riser system.
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Flexible risers are key components of floating production systems, particularly in harsh environmental conditions where the riser must deal with substantial vessel motion. Liquid slugging in flexible risers often causes severe operational problems for the downstream production system. To avoid such costly delays, it would be desirable to predict severe slugging behavior in flexible risers using experiments and transient codes. This article details the basic mechanisms and general characteristics of severe slugging in a pipeline-riser system. It also tries to present the research studies that have been carried out on severe slugging in flexible risers in two parts; experiments on different flexible riser configurations, and existing OLGA code predictions.
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ABSTRACT At constant inflow conditions, large-amplitude pressure and flow rate fluctuations may occur in a pipeline–riser system operating at relatively low liquid and gas flow rates. This cyclic flow instability has been referred to as severe slugging. This study is an experimental, theoretical and numerical investigation of severe slugging in a relatively long pipeline–riser system. The experiments were carried out in a 65 m long, 50.8 mm diameter horizontal steel pipeline connected to a 35 m long, 50.8 mm diameter Perspex pipeline which is inclined to -2.54° from the horizontal, followed by a 15.5 m high, 45 mm vertical PVC riser operating at atmospheric end pressure. The experimental facility also included a 250 l gas buffer vessel, placed upstream of the pipeline, to obtain extra pipeline compressibility. Air and water were used as the experimental fluids. Five types of flow regimes were found and characterized based on visual observation and on the measured pressure drop over the riser. It was found that transient slugs were generated in the pipeline upstream of the riser base and they effectively contributed to the initial blockage of the riser base. An existing model for the prediction of the flow behaviour in the pipeline–riser system was modified. The modified model, which was tested against new experimental results obtained in this study, showed a better performance than previously published models. Numerical simulations were also performed using a one-dimensional two-fluid model. A good agreement between the numerical simulations and the experimental data was found.
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Abstract Models are presented for determining flow regime transitions in two-phase gas-liquid flow. The mechanisms for transition are based on physical concepts and are fully predictive in that no flow regime transitions are used in their development. A generalized flow regime map based on this theory is presented.
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