组织工程与重建外科杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 180-182.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-0364.2016.03.010

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  1. 扬州市第一人民医院口腔颌面外科;南京大学医学院附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科
  • 发布日期:2020-07-23

Treatment of Complications after Zygomatic Zygomaticomandibular Plastic Surgery and Remediation with ;Reoperation

HUANG Jinhua,YANG Xudong,ZHANG Qiang,MENG Zhibing,CHANG Caiwang,BIAN Jie,GUO Jun   

  • Published:2020-07-23

摘要: 目的 探讨针对颧骨颧弓整形术后并发症的再次手术修复方案及其临床效果。方法 自2007年10月至2014年08月,共收治颧骨颧弓整形并发症患者23例,均接受再次手术修复,其中单纯行颧骨颧弓修复术患者5例,另外18例患者同期行SMAS上提术,观察并评估其疗效。结果 全部23例患者,切口均Ⅰ期愈合。1例患者术后单侧额纹消失,经神经营养治疗3周后完全恢复。术后评价23例均为满意。术后随访0.5~5年,颧骨颧弓外形满意。结论 颧骨颧弓整形并发症患者经再次手术修复后可取得良好效果。

关键词: 颧骨颧弓整形术, 并发症, 再次手术

Abstract: Objective To explore the reoperation methods and clinical effects for treating complications after zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery. Methods From October 2007 to August 2014, 23 cases suffered from complications after zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery were re-operated, 5 cases received zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery only, while other 18 cases received zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery combining SMAS lifting plasty. The clinical effects were observed and evaluated. Results All 23 cases obtained incision primary healing. Unilateral pattern loss was observed in 1 case, and completely recovered after nerve nutrition therapy for 3 weeks. According to clinical evaluation, all 23 patients received satisfactory results. All patients were followed up for 6 months to 5 years, satisfactory zygomatic zygomaticomandibular appearance was obtained. Conclusion Good results of reoperation for treating complications after zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery can be achieved.

Key words: Zygomatic zygomaticomandibular plastic surgery, Complication, Reoperation
