Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology

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Preliminary Study on Application Status and Development  Trend of Deepwater Production Facilities

DU Qing-gui, TAN Guo-rong, LIU Cong, GENG Zhan-li, ZHU Hai-shan   

  1. (CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100028, China)
  • Received:2018-05-10 Revised:2018-06-26 Online:2018-10-25 Published:2018-10-25

Abstract: Deepwater production facilities are principal options to the development of deepwater offshore oil & gas fields. There are approximately 400 facilities in service all over the world, including semi-submersible floating production system (SEMI-FPS),tension leg platform (TLP),Spar platform, floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO),and so on. The application status and development trend of the facilities are firstly summarized. Then the application prospect in the domestic market is analyzed. Furthermore, the development schemes and engineering proposals frequently used are fully listed. Finally, the development trend of FPSO is analyzed. This research may provide good references to the development of deepwater offshore oil & gas fields in China.

Key words: deepwater production facility, semi-submersible floating production system (SEMI-FPS), tension leg platform (TLP), Spar platform, floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO)

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