Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology

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Application of PDMS and Visual Basic in Pipe Material Management

CHEN Fang-fang, JIANG Fa-ping, HUANG Sheng-hai, XUE Heng   

  1. (COOEC-Fluor Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Zhuhai, Guangdong 519050, China)
  • Online:2018-10-30 Published:2018-10-30

Abstract: Material management plays an important role in project construction, and it directly affects the time-span and cost of the whole project. This article introduces a method to manage the pipe material with PDMS and Visual Basic. Through PDMS, we can custom-made the output content in excel format by using Material-list generating function. Comparison the list can help the material purchasing timely and accurately. Programming with Visual Basic to design a user-friendly human-machine interface, we can make tedious material tracking automatically and efficiency.

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