Noise Characteristics and Its Reduction Measures of Air Duct on Offshore Platform Blocks
LIU Xinfu1* , CHENG Hui1 , LI Hui2 , LI Bo3 , GAO Peng4 , ZHANG Shousen4 ,LIU Bilong1
1. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering , Qingdao University of Technology , Qingdao Shandong 266520 , China ; 2. CNOOC Research Institute Ltd . , Beijing 100028 , China ; 3. Business Development Center, CNOOC International Ltd . , Beijing 100027 , China ; 4. China Offshore Oil Engineering Company Ltd . , Tianjin 300451 , China
LIU Xinfu, CHENG Hui, LI Hui, LI Bo, GAO Peng, ZHANG Shousen, LIU Bilong. Noise Characteristics and Its Reduction Measures of Air Duct on Offshore Platform Blocks[J]. Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology, 2023, 10(2): 51-56.