当代外语研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03): 33-47.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2018.03.006

• 翻译理论与实践 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 同济大学,上海,200092
  • 发布日期:2020-07-25
  • 作者简介:吴建广,同济大学外国语学院德语系教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为德意志诗学与哲学。电子邮箱:wujianguang@tongji.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Manifesto of the Communist Party as Source of the “Concept of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind”: An Interpretation of the Preface in the German Version of the Manifesto of the Communist Party

WU Jianguang   

  • Published:2020-07-25

摘要: 马克思主撰的《共产党宣言》是共产主义的出生证,是第一篇关于科学共产主义的纲领性文件,是21世纪中国方案之“共同构建人类命运共同体”的生命源泉;它全面而系统地阐述了共产主义的伟大学说,因此,有必要对这部经典范文进行逐字逐句的条分缕析。语文是思想之家,离开语文的表述形式,思想就无家可归。《共产党宣言》的思想之家就是德语,不是任何其他语言。德语是《共产党宣言》的原本图像(Urbild),一切译本均为拓片图像(Abbild)。本文在语词-概念结构、句法结构及文本衔接-连贯-互文结构等层面上,对德文《共产党宣言》之三百字的无题“引言”进行全方位的分析和阐释。试图论证马克思以何种行文方式制造出惊天动地的声势,即这部《宣言》何以成为经典文献中的一篇经典范文;同时论证严肃和严谨的学术研究不能偏离原本图像(原文)而基于拓片图像(译文)。在熟读精思的学术研究基础上,我们才能理解《共产党宣言》的基本思想,才能实现马克思主义中国化。

关键词: 马克思, 共产党宣言, 人类命运共同体, 德语, 中国化

Abstract: The Manifesto of the Communist Party, which was mainly written by Karl Marx, is the birth certificate of the communism. Considered as the first guiding document of the scientific communism and the source of China's proposition in the 21th Century, which plans to forge the concept of a community of shared future for mankind, the “Manifesto” elaborates the great communistic theory roundly and systematically. A word-for-word and sentence-for-sentence analyze of this classic is therefore of necessity. Without language, thought is a vague, uncharted nebula. The Manifesto of the Communist Party conveys its thought originally and specifically through German, not through any other language. Undoubtedly, the German version of the “Manifesto” is the original (Urbild) and any translated version is therefore the reproduction (Abbild). This paper plans to comprehensively analyze and illuminate the lexical-conceptional structure, the syntactic structure and the textual cohesion-coherence-intertextual structure of the preface in the German version of the “Manifesto” to demonstrate what makes this document a significant classic, and to support the basic argument, that a serious and rigorous academic research should never be based on the reproduction and neglect the original, which is of the essence. Only on the basic of academic researches is the understanding of the basic thought in the “Manifesto” possible and the Sinicization of Marxism realizable.
