Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 93-104.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.02.010

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Organic Linguistics and Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics from the Perspective of the Second Enlightenment

WANG Zhihe(), ZHANG Xuetao(), ZHANG Guidan()   

  • Online:2022-04-28 Published:2022-03-28


This paper proposes a new concept of organic linguistics from the perspective of the Second Enlightenment. Based on an organic world view, organic linguistics stresses that language should be understood as a dynamic and organic whole. Organic linguistics views language as a relational being. In this sense, organic linguistics can also be regarded as an ecological linguistics. Moreover, the ecological implications of language can play role in overcoming anthropocentrism and serving ecological civilization. This paper goes on to argue that the embodied-cognitive linguistics proposed by Chinese Professor Yin Wang is not only a new development in linguistics, but also a form of organic linguistics. The theoretical innovation of embodied-cognitive linguistics reflects not only an emphasis on the relationship between experience and language, but also an emphasis an organic holistic thinking. This kind of organic linguistics can make a special contribution to the fields of Chinese language theory and foreign language theory in China by overcoming the current (and embarrassing) isolation between these two fields, thereby developing a theory of linguistics with Chinese characteristics for ecological civilization that integrates the strengths of both Chinese and Western language theory.

Key words: Substance Linguistics, Process Philosophy, Second Enlightenment, Organic Linguistics, Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics, Eco-Linguistics

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