Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (03): 308-313.doi: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2020.03.019

• Original article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Survey on postoperative quality of life and influencing factors in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention

CHEN Xin1,2, LIU Lili2, NI Jingwei2, XU Gang1, QUAN Weiwei2(), ZHANG Zhiruo1()   

  1. 1. School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200025, China
    2. Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Received:2019-01-05 Online:2020-06-25 Published:2020-06-25
  • Contact: QUAN Weiwei,ZHANG Zhiruo;


Objective: To investigate the impact of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on quality of life (QOL) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods: A total of 99 patients with CHD treated with PCI from April to December 2018 were enrolled. The Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) were performed to evaluate the quality of life (QOL) at 1 month and 6 months after PCI. QOL was assessed in respect to number of stents implanted (≤2 and >2), times of PCI (1 or >1) and SYNTAX score (light, medium and severe) using multi-factors and multi-levels of repeated measurements. Results: Both scores of SAQ and PHQ-9 were significantly improved at 6 months than those at 1 month after PCI. SAQ score was significantly lower at 1 month than that at 6 months (320.1±80.7 vs. 380.3 ±46.8, P<0.01), while PHQ-9 score was significantly higher at 1 month than that at 6 months (6.7±5.3 vs. 5.3±4.2, P<0.01). Furthermore, the interactive effects of number of stents implanted, times of PCI and SYNTAX score on the SAQ and PHA-9 scores were analyzed. The results showed that score of SAQ was not affected by the number of stents implanted, times of PCI and SYNTAX score 6 months after discharged from hospital. However, PHQ-9 score was affected by number of stents implanted and times of PCI. In patients with more than 2 stents implanted or multiple times of PCI, depression was not improved significantly at 6 months. Conclusions: The QOL is significantly improved at 6 months in patients treated with PCI. The improvement of SAQ score is not affected by number of stents implanted, times of PCI and SYNTAX score, while PHQ-9 is affected by number of stents implanted and times of PCI. In patients with multiple stents implanted or multiple times of PCI, the depression mood is not differed significantly between 1 month and 6 months after PCI.

Key words: Percutaneous coronary intervention, Quality of life, SYNTAX score

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