Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice ›› 2022, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (06): 746-750.doi: 10.16150/j.1671-2870.2022.06.14

• Review articles • Previous Articles    

Advances in imaging study of pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis

LIKE Lahu, YANG Wenjie()   

  1. Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Received:2022-03-28 Online:2022-12-25 Published:2023-04-23
  • Contact: YANG Wenjie


Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (PLAM) is a rare idiopathic disease, which mainly involves lung and presents with diffused lung cysts. This paper reviews the imaging study and research progress of PLAM in recent years, including the quantitative analysis, texture analysis in CT images based pulmonary balloon. PET/CT may shows lesions in pulmonary parenchyma or lymphatic system. The semi-quantitative, full quantitative and omics analysis of pulmonary balloons based on CT could reflect the range of pulmonary lesions, and has a positive correlation with pulmonary function, which provide new methods for disease assessment and curative efficacy prediction in the patients with PLAM. The PET/CT and SPECT/CT have better evaluation effectiveness for the lymphoid system lesions in PLAM patients

Key words: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Imaging, Quantification

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