外科理论与实践 ›› 2023, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (05): 463-468.doi: 10.16139/j.1007-9610.2023.05.12
詹崇文, 沈奇伟, 邵怡凯, 许博, 花荣(), 姚琪远(
ZHAN Chongwen, SHEN Qiwei, SHAO Yikai, XU Bo, HUA Rong(), YAO Qiyuan(
目的:评估三孔法腹腔镜胃袖状切除术(laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,LSG)的可行性、安全性和手术疗效。方法:回顾性分析2020年4月至2021年1月间130例行LSG并按时完成随访的肥胖病人临床资料,按手术方式分组,三孔法组52例,四孔法组78例。比较两组围术期情况及术后减重效果。结果:两组均顺利完成LSG,与四孔法组相比,三孔法组平均手术时间更短[(88.35±22.64) min比(98.29±26.25) min,P=0.027),两组术中出血量、术后疼痛、术后引流量、术后住院时间、术后并发症发生情况、术后6个月及2年的减重效果差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:三孔法LSG在不增加手术并发症及手术时间的前提下,可以减少病人手术瘢痕的数量和大小,有利于术后皮肤美观,并获得与四孔法LSG相同的减重疗效,可以作为胃袖状切除术的常规术式。
詹崇文, 沈奇伟, 邵怡凯, 许博, 花荣, 姚琪远. 三孔法腹腔镜胃袖状切除术治疗肥胖症的疗效分析[J]. 外科理论与实践, 2023, 28(05): 463-468.
ZHAN Chongwen, SHEN Qiwei, SHAO Yikai, XU Bo, HUA Rong, YAO Qiyuan. Efficacy of three-port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in treatment of obesity[J]. Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice, 2023, 28(05): 463-468.
病人一般资料比较[$\bar{x} \pm s$/n(%)]
Item | TPLSG (n=52) | FPLSG (n=78) | t(χ2) value | P value |
Age (years) | 30.02±5.42 | 28.90±6.77 | t=1.000 | 0.319 |
Gender (Male/Female) | 8/44 | 29/49 | χ2=7.279 | 0.007 |
Body mass index (kg/m2) | 38.49±6.07 | 40.29±5.89 | t=-1.688 | 0.094 |
Waist circumference (cm) | 119.61±15.61 | 126.30±16.08 | t=-2.340 | 0.021 |
Hip circumference (cm) | 123.89±19.73 | 126.58±12.89 | t=-0.935 | 0.352 |
Waist-to-hip ratio | 1.09±1.04 | 1.00±0.73 | t=0.810 | 0.42 |
术后疼痛及住院时间 ($\bar{x} \pm s$)
Item | TPLSG (n=52) | FPLSG (n=78) | t value | P value |
Pain on operative day(NRS) | 2.96±1.60 | 3.44±2.03 | -1.418 | 0.159 |
Pain on the first day after surgery (NRS) | 2.13±1.37 | 1.87±1.04 | 1.242 | 0.216 |
Pain on the second day after surgery (NRS) | 1.21±0.94 | 1.29±1.11 | -0.447 | 0.656 |
Hospital stay after surgery (d) | 3.44±1.07 | 3.63±1.85 | -0.656 | 0.513 |
术后引流量($\bar{x} \pm s$)
Item | TPLSG (n=52) | FPLSG (n=78) | t value | P value |
Drainage on operative day (mL) | 66.77±48.02 | 65.40±65.73 | 0.129 | 0.897 |
Drainage on the first day after surgery (mL) | 70.15±45.40 | 83.71±94.90 | -0.958 | 0.34 |
Drainage on the second day after surgery (mL) | 33.29±40.90 | 37.01±55.31 | -0.415 | 0.678 |
Total drainage two days after surgery (mL) | 170.21±107.74 | 186.12±183.14 | -0.564 | 0.574 |
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