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      10 October 2019, Volume 2 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Air & Space Defense System Demonstration and Research
    Design Method of Air Defense Weapon Interception Scheme Based on Multiobjective Optimization
    LAI Wenxing, JIA Jun, BAO Ran, DING Shizhou
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 1-6.  
    Abstract   PDF (4053KB) ( 221 )
    The traditional design methods of air defense weapon interception scheme mainly adopt singleobjective optimization model, which is difficult to apply to current wholeairspace, multilevel, saturated air strike mode. Aiming at the attack system comprising multiple air strike targets and defense system consisting of different air defense weapons, this paper first analyzes the penetration process of air strike targets, and then establishes a multiobjective optimization model with the goal of minimizing the overall threat value and defense cost, and finally adopts NSGAII multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for solution. Simulation results show that the design method of air defense weapon interception scheme based on multiobjective optimization can effectively improve the combat effectiveness and reduce the overall defense cost.
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    Missile Weapon System and General Technology
    Numerical Simulation and Study of Unsteady Separation of Missile Booster
    WU Bin, WANG Weiyu, ZHONG Yongjian, WANG Lei, ZHU Mengjie
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 7-12.  
    Abstract   PDF (8541KB) ( 67 )
    Unsteady booster separation process at different separation angles of attack is studied by using numerical method in this paper. Separation trajectories and attitudes of booster versus time are given, and separation analyses are conducted based on unsteady aerodynamic forces and flow structures. The study shows that a proper large angle of attack must be chosen to achieve fast and safe separation. Besides, the absolute value of negative acceleration of booster is larger than that of upper stage, which is the foundation of successful separation. In actual engineering application, the reliability of separation can be improved by increasing a large transition slope or applying an initial reverse force. The results in this paper are valuable to choose separation condition and evaluate separation safety of the tandem boosterupper stage of surfacetoair missile.
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    Study on the Wide-band Scattering Characteristics of Pyramidal Horn Antenna Based on Microwave Imaging
    YANG Yuansheng, LU Bo, LI Chen, CUI Can, ZHU Yifei
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 13-18.  
    Abstract   PDF (6577KB) ( 123 )
    In consideration of the typicality and generality of the horn as a wideband antenna, the paraxial wideband electromagnetic scattering characteristics of X-band standard gain pyramidal horn is studied. By using wide-band plane electromagnetic wave to irradiate the pyramidal horn antenna in shortcircuit state, a one-dimensional range microwave image is obtained based on monostatic frequency domain scattering data. The accurate intensity distribution of the antenna structural and mode scattering center is received from the imaging, and the scattering mechanism of the pyramidal horn is analyzed. And the effect of waveguide length and the polarization of the horn antenna are discussed, and a more holistic twodimensional microwave image is obtained with the angular domain scattering data. These results provide the most direct and useful information for the research of target characteristics of the pyramidal horn antenna and lay the foundation for understanding the scattering mechanism of horn antenna and other wide-band antennas.
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    Navigation, Guidance and Control Technology
    Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer Based Impact  Angle Constraint Guidance Law
    ZHAO Bin, ZHU Chuanxiang, TONG Yun, HU Yang, JIANG Ruimin
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 19-24.  
    Abstract   PDF (3999KB) ( 195 )
    To adapt to the requirement of high performance precision strike, an impact angle constraint guidance law is proposed by employing a novel adaptive sliding mode observer in this paper. Firstly, the guidance system model with strict feedback is built with the target maneuvering acceleration as unknown bounded uncertainty. Secondly, an adaptive sliding mode disturbance observer based on super twisting sliding mode is derived to accurately estimate the differential bounded disturbance, with its finite time convergence property proved using quadratic Lyapunov functions. Thirdly, the impact angle constraint guidance law is designed based on the fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode and adaptive sliding mode disturbance observer, and the finite time convergence of the guidance system is proved based on the finite time stability theory and the homogeneous theory, and the convergence regions of the sliding variable and the system states are also given. Simulation results indicate that the proposed guidance law can not only guarantee high guidance accuracy, but also satisfy the impact angle constraint.
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    Dynamic InversionBased Attitude Control of Aerospace Morphing Vehicle
    WAN Hang, XU Shengli, ZHANG Qingzhen, ZHANG Di
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 25-31.  
    Abstract   PDF (4607KB) ( 205 )
    Aiming at the problem caused by strong coupling, large interference and strong nonlinearity of aerospace morphing vehicle in hypersonic flight environment, a dynamic inversionbased attitude control method is proposed. The plant model is built using Kane method applicable to multirigidbody modeling. Firstly, the dynamic inversion controller is designed based on the fixed configuration, and the attitude control stability in nominal state is validated by simulation under the condition of no unstable internal dynamics existing. And then, the model and parameter changes in the variable shape process are regarded as interference, and the ESO (extended state observer) is used for observation compensation to complete the stable transitional connection control. Finally, the correctness of the transitional connection control algorithm is analyzed through simulation.
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    High Dynamic Decoupling Method of Strapdown Photoelectric Seeker
    CHEN Bing, LI Keyong, CHEN Guoliang
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 32-39.  
    Abstract   PDF (4815KB) ( 267 )
    In this paper, the implementation method of mini missile proportional guidance guided by combination of the strapdown photoelectric seeker and MEMS inertial measurement unit is studied; and a method of extracting lineofsight angular velocity by using mathematical decouping algorithm and the least square fitting is proposed. Numerical simulations show that the method has good performance in suppressing measurement noise and counter attitude disturbance. Compared with the conventional virtual tracking loop decoupling, the proposed method has higher output accuracy of line-of-sight angular velocity.
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    Cognition based Reconnaissance Technology in Battlefield Electromagnetic Environment
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 40-45.  
    Abstract   PDF (4318KB) ( 367 )
    The traditional electronic reconnaissance system lacks flexibility and its ability to perceive complex electromagnetic environment is limited. It does not have the ability to obtain indepth information such as behavioral intention and environmental situation analysis, and has poor adaptability to unknown signals and dynamic environment. For the above problems, this paper studies the key technologies of electronic reconnaissance system, such as intelligent decision making, adaptive adjustment and electromagnetic situation estimation. It realizes the closed loop process of autonomous environment perception, evaluation judgment, autonomous planning and autonomous execution, and improves the intelligent level of the system and the perception ability of battlefield electromagnetic environment.
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    System Modeling and Simulation Technology
    A Track Association Algorithm of Radar and ESM Based on Type B Grey Correlation
    GU Yixiu, LI Jun, QIU Lingcun, CAO Zheng
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 46-50.  
    Abstract   PDF (0KB) ( 88 )
    In order to solve the problem of the track association of radar and ESM at the same platform, this paper provides a track correlation algorithm based on type B grey correlation. First, the ESM data is smoothed based on GAM. Then, the temporal and space alignment of the radar and ESM data is achieved by coordinate transformation for the radar data. Finally, the type B grey correlation between the different track pairs of radar and ESM is figured out and the determination rules of track association are established to select,track association pairs. The simulation results show that proposed algorithm can accomplish the track association of radar and ESM effectively.
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    Research on Data Association Algorithm Based on Lineofsight Distance in Photoelectric Two-dimensional Detection System
    WANG Xinliang, CAI Weifeng, QIU Lingcun, YUAN Aihua, CAO Zheng
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 51-56.  
    Abstract   PDF (4005KB) ( 170 )
    The concept of lineofsight distance is introduced into the data association in photoelectric twodimensional detection system. A test statistic based on line-of-sight distance is constructed. The correlation criterion that the sum of the line-of-sight distance of each photoelectric detector against the same target should be minimum is cited. A new method combining comparison test statistics and cost function is proposed, then the algorithm is studied and the applicability of the proposed algorithm is obtained through the comparison of association probability. First, the linear equation is obtained by calculating the data detected by each photoelectric detector, after that, the test statistics are calculated based on the lineofsight distance of any two photoelectric detectors against any target, and then the reference threshold is selected, and the algorithm flow chart is given with the concept of cost functions. Finally, the simulation results show that the algorithm is effective.
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    Network Analysis System Design and Error Calibration Analysis Using Programmable Instruments
    ZHANG Pengfei, ZHANG Yu, YAN Hongyan, WANG Liquan, MEI Zhiwei
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 57-64.  
    Abstract   PDF (7227KB) ( 51 )
    With the development of science and technology, network analyzer is more and more widely used in RF measurement systems. The test of key performance such as reflection characteristics and transmission characteristic parameters in the RF transmission network, amplifier 1dB compression point, and filter passband bandwidth are all dependent on the network analyzer, but the network analyzer products on the market are expensive currently. In this paper, the network analysis system which can be used for engineering measurement is built by the standard programmable instrument (module unit) in the laboratory, and the measurement error generated by the system is analyzed. The error correction method and correction model which can significantly improve the measurement accuracy are designed. For the key technical index of typical devices, the test results of this system are compared with the test results of standard highprecision network analyzers, and the effect of error correction is verified, which can be used for measurement of RF transmission network parameters in the laboratory.
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    Launch Stability Analysis of a Missile Electromagnetic Ejection Device
    KONG Chao, WANG Jun, CHEN Jianping, SHA Zhaoming
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 65-68.  
    Abstract   PDF (3603KB) ( 164 )

    In order to accurately acquire the motion characteristics of the launch process of a vehicle borne missile electromagnetic ejection device, a multibody dynamics model is established by using ADAMS, and launch stability of the ejection device under the effect of recoil force and braking counterforce is analyzed. The results show that: in the process of missile firing, the rear part of the electromagnetic ejection device has a certain upward and backward movements, but there are within the acceptable range. The electromagnetic ejection device has good launch stability and its technology application to a missile firing is feasible.

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    Military-Civilian Cooperation Integrated Support and Test Technology
    Analysis of Tactical Missile Test Data Based on Improved K Means Clustering
    HUANG Weikai, MA Xing, LIU Jin, LI Yuping, ZHENG Danli
    Air & Space Defense. 2019, 2 (4): 69-74.  
    Abstract   PDF (5304KB) ( 104 )
    Aiming at the difficulty of screening abnormal data while analyzing the test data of tactical missile, this paper proposes a novel test data analysis algorithm based on improved Kmeans clustering. By choosing the optimal initial cluster center and rejecting abnormal data, Kmeans clustering method is improved in respect of accuracy and efficiency. The case study indicates that the proposed test data analysis algorithm can complete screening of test data with high efficiency while ensuring certain accuracy, and can assist tactical missile data analysis to a certain extent.
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