海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4): 70-77.doi: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2023.04.11

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所  俊, 徐  飞, 唐斯密, 王虹斌   

  1. 海军研究院,北京  100161
  • 出版日期:2024-01-06 发布日期:2024-01-06

Study on Underwater Twodimensional Exhaust Vent Mode Based on Distribution of Fixed Orifice Spacing and Variable Orifice Area

SUO Jun, XU Fei, TANG Simi, WANG Hongbin   

  1. Naval Research Institute, Beijing 100161, China
  • Online:2024-01-06 Published:2024-01-06

摘要: 水下排气产生的气泡尺度参数对隔声效果存在影响。本文针对水下气体排放过程中的动力学特点,根据单位面积流量相等设计准则,建立水下气体二维排放方程,得到水下气体二维排放装置开孔位置及几何参数的解析表达式。建立有限元模型,比较均匀分布和定孔距变孔径分布两种开孔模式,通过循环水槽试验对排气效果进行验证。仿真计算和试验结果表明,定孔距变孔径分布模式能够有效控制气泡尺度参数分布,对增强气泡隔声效果更有利。

关键词: 水下排气, 二维, 孔径分布, 隔声

Abstract: The scale parameters of bubbles produced by underwater exhaust influence the effect of the acoustic insulation. According to the dynamic characteristics in the process of underwater gas exhaust and the design criteria of equal flow per unit area, the two dimensional exhaust equation of underwater gas is established. The analytical expressions of the opening position and geometric parameters of the two dimensional exhaust device of underwater gas are obtained. The finite element models are established to compare the two vent patterns of uniform distribution and constant pitch/variable size distribution. The exhaust effect is verified by circulating flume test. The simulation and experimental results show that the distribution mode of fixed orifice spacing and variable orifice area can effectively control the distribution of bubbles scale parameters, and enhance the acoustic insulation effect of bubbles.

Key words: underwater exhaust, two dimensions, vent size distribution, acoustic insulation
