海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 122-129.

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田  震  雷震名  陈  野  何建文  刘  松  钟  洋   

  1. 海洋石油工程股份有限公司  天津  300461
  • 出版日期:2024-05-28 发布日期:2024-05-30

Steel Lazy-wave Riser Installation Method Analysis

TIAN Zhen, LEI Zhenming, CHEN Ye, HE Jianwen, LIU Song, ZHONG Yang   

  1. Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300461
  • Online:2024-05-28 Published:2024-05-30

摘要: 标准钢悬链线立管在超水深水环境中存在屈曲和疲劳寿命短等问题,缓波形钢悬链线立管(SLWR)在标准的立管形式上引入了浮子段区域,它能够降低立管悬挂点附近的应力,同时阻隔浮体运动对着泥点区域造成的动态响应影响,从而提高立管的疲劳寿命。基于S-LAY、J-LAY、R-LAY三种铺设方式,以潜在加蓬项目为例对SLWR的安装方法进行了对比分析。结果表明:对于无浮子段的立管,三种铺设方式均具有较高的可铺设性,受限于海洋石油201船的能力,S-LAY对于12″ SLWR浮子段铺设并不可行;J-LAY和R-LAY安装方法更适用于2100m水深的12″ SLWR的正常铺设及浮子段铺设,且无论是J-LAY还是R-LAY安装方法,空管状态总体上优于充水状态;可通过降低水深、减小管道尺寸及对浮子段截面设计优化等措施,提高S-LAY工艺铺设SLWR的可行性。采用J-LAY和R-LAY安装方法,如果带浮子段的悬链线在空管状态不与铺设塔和船体等结构干扰,可允许空管工况下铺设。

关键词: 立管, 缓波形钢悬链线立管, S-LAY, J-LAY, R-LAY, 浮子段

Abstract: Standard steel catenary riser form is vulnerable to yielding and fatigue damages at the touch down point (TDP) location in the ultra-deepwater environment. Steel lazy-wave riser (SLWR) introduces a buoyancy section into the standard riser form, which can reduce the stress near the hang-off region, and at the same time isolate the dynamic response of the floating platform from TDP region, so as to improve the fatigue life of riser. SLWR installations are analyzed and compared among S-LAY, J-LAY and R-LAY methods, based on a potential ultra-deepwater project in Gabon. The results show that for the riser without buoyancy section, all three laying methods have sufficient layability, and S-LAY is not feasible for laying the 12" SLWR buoyancy section limited by the capacity of HYSY201; J-LAY and R-LAY are found to be more appropriate for both normal laying and buoyancy section laying of 12" SLWR in 2100m water depth. In general, empty pipe condition is better than the flooded condition in terms of layability regardless of laying methods. The feasibility of SLWR laying by S-LAY method can be improved by reducing water depth, pipe size and optimizing buoyancy module design. For J-LAY and R-LAY installation methods, if pipe catenary with buoyancy module section in empty pipe condition has no interference with lay tower and vessel, SLWR can be laid in empty pipe condition.

Key words: steel lazy-wave rise, S-LAY, J-LAY, R-LAY, buoyancy module section
