海洋工程装备与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2): 24-28.doi: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2024.02.06

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  1. 中海油能源发展股份有限公司采油服务深圳分公司,广东深圳  518054
  • 出版日期:2024-07-04 发布日期:2024-07-05

Design Optimization of Waste Heat Recovery Unit for “Hai Yang Shi You 123” FPSO

CHEN Qiming, HE Gaolin   

  1. Oil Production Shenzhen Branch, CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited Shenzhen 518054, Guangdong China
  • Online:2024-07-04 Published:2024-07-05

摘要: 为充分利用主机高温尾气,实现节能减排的目的,“海洋石油123”FPSO在基本设计阶段设计了余热回收装置。但余热与锅炉的热油循环系统完全独立,不可互为备用,且余热的4台热介质循环泵都没有接入应急母排,这将导致FPSO在黑启动时,容易造成余热回收装置炉管内的热油局部高温结焦炭化,影响系统运行。为有效解决该问题,创造性提出将余热系统循环泵加入应急母排的方案,有效避免了黑启动时余热系统热油结焦的发生。

关键词: FPSO, 余热回收装置, 设计优化

Abstract: In order to make full use of the high temperature exhaust gas of the main generator and realize energy saving and emission reduction, the waste heat recovery unit has been designed in the basic design stage in “Hai Yang Shi You 123”FPSO(Floating Production Storage and Offloading), but the waste heat and the heating medium circulation system of the boiler are completely independent, and can not be mutually standby, and the four heating medium circulation pumps of the waste heat are not connected to the emergency bus, which will lead to the black start of the FPSO. It is easy to cause local high temperature coking and carbonization of heating medium in the furnace tube of waste heat recovery unit, which affects the operation of the system. In order to solve the problem effectively, the scheme of adding the circulating pump of waste heat system into the emergency bus bar is proposed creatively, which can effectively avoid the occurrence of heating medium coking in the waste heat system during black start.

Key words: FPSO, waste heat recovery unit, design optimization
