Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2): 61-66.doi: 10.12087/oeet.2095-7297.2023.02.10

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Key Testing Technologies and Application of Gate Valve and Connector Used in Subsea Christmas Tree

LIU Xiao1, 2 , ZHANG Ning1, 2 , ZHU Wei3 , LI Sen1, 2 ,LIU Chengcheng1, 2 , XIONG Tao1, 2 , LI Zebang1, 2   

  1. 1. Qingdao Marine Engineering and Subsea Equipment Inspection and Testing Co . , Ltd . , Qingdao Shandong 266237 , China ; 2. National Center for Marine Equipment Quality Inspection & Testing (Shandong ) ,Qingdao Shandong 266237 , China ; 3. Chongqing qianwei technologies group Co . , Ltd . , Chongqing , 401122 , China
  • Online:2023-07-02 Published:2023-07-02

Abstract: As the key components of the subsea Christmas tree system, underwater valves and wellhead connectors are faced with extremely complex marine service environment, and must be tested to verify that they can meet the performance requirements of relevant standards and specifications for opening, closing, locking, unlocking, sealing, pressure bearing, load bearing, etc. In order to fully simulate the working conditions of underwater low temperature and high pressure as well as the rated water depth under combined loading, the key testing technologies of underwater gate valves and hydraulic wellhead connectors based on API Spec 17D and API Spec 6A standards were studied; a set of combined testing methods, procedures and testing systems were proposed; and the laboratory testing application of domestic equipment was successfully completed.

Key words: subsea christmas tree, gate valve, wellhead connector, rated water depth, composite working condition, test method, application