当代外语研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 144-152.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2023.01.011

• 外国文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李家宝(), 王利军()   

  1. 西安翻译学院,西安,710105; 荆州职业技术学院,荆州,434020
  • 出版日期:2023-02-28 发布日期:2023-02-24
  • 作者简介:李家宝,西安翻译学院文学与传媒学院首席教授。主要研究方向为俄国文学。电子邮箱:934907694@qq.com|王利军,荆州职业技术学院助教。主要研究方向为俄国文学。电子邮箱:952569770@qq.com

Restoration and Transcendence of Life—On the Aesthetic Features of Chekhov’s Drama

LI Jiabao(), WANG Lijun()   

  • Online:2023-02-28 Published:2023-02-24



关键词: 契诃夫戏剧, 审美特征, 还原, 超越


Chekhov’s discovery of the original structure of everyday life and its artistic restoration is his great contribution to the world realistic art. The use of a large number of pauses, the creation of lyric atmosphere and the internalization of characters’ actions make the plot of the drama “non-conflicted” and restore the original structure of mediocrity and absurdity of daily life; The circular dramatic structure and the elimination of the logic of language make its drama present the anti-dramatic feature of “non-causality” and expose the absurd essence of human alienation by time; It does not follow the routine of tragedy, comedy and drama, which makes its drama “non-typological”, and analyses life with extraordinary sobriety and perspective beyond time and space. It accurately summarizes and artistically expresses the solemn and stirring and pain of the disappearance of human significance in time, and gives comic attention, which sublimates the aesthetic significance of Chekhov’s drama. His anti-traditional rules of drama creation challenge people’s inherent aesthetic habits, realize drama innovation, and leave a far-reaching impact on future generations from creation to connotation.

Key words: Chekhov’s Drama, Aesthetic Feature, Reduction, Transcendence
