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    2011年, 第11卷, 第12期 刊出日期:2020-07-25 上一期    下一期
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    Context and Content:From Language to Thought
    2011 (12):  1-14.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0290
    摘要 ( 158 )  
    In this paper I present an overview of my research in the philosophy of language in mind over more than thirty years, from my early work on speech act theory to my current work on mental files.The unifying theme is context-dependence,both in language and thought.I distinguish several varieties of context-dependence and,along the way,provide tentative accounts of various phenomena:performative utterances,indexicals,modulation (metonymy and loose talk,free enrichment),de se thought,the content of experiential states,and immunity to error through misidentification.
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    Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies
    2011 (12):  2.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0289
    摘要 ( 253 )  
    Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies is an international journal of linguistics,applied linguistics, language teaching and learning,published monthly by the editorial office of the journal Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies.Its editorial office is attached to School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai Jiao
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    Challenges of Developing SFL in China
    2011 (12):  15-23.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0291
    摘要 ( 205 )  
    As a general linguistic theory and as an applicable linguistics,Systemic Functional Linguistics(SFL)has been one of the main approaches to the study of language and linguistics for the past 30years in China.This paper aims to critically analyse the researching and teaching situation of this model of language in the Chinese context,from an insider's point of view.The implication of the discussion is that other approaches to language and linguistics in China may have more or less the same situation,which also needs to be critically examined.
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    Integrating Neurolinguistics into Second Language Acguisition Research
    2011 (12):  24-31.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0292
    摘要 ( 185 )  
    The cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition has been described as being associated with'excitement' and a'sense of momentum'(Indefrey and Gullberg 2006:7).This article recognizes the enormous potential of the neuroscientific contribution to second language research,but it also points to problems and uncertainties which currently attend neurolinguistics. The article makes some comments in respect of some particular neurolinguistic studies relating to the over-interpretation of evidence,the failure to design studies in such a way as to take account of key variables,and the ignoring of facts about language that have been established for decades.The essential point of the article is that,if neuroscientific research is to be integrated into second language acquisition research,it has to operate on the basis of the same ground-rules as more 'traditional' research-specifically with reference to:the acknowledgment of methodological and technical limitations,the restriction of conclusions to what is licensed by the data,controlling for possible confounding variables,and the incorporation of established linguistic and psycholinguistic facts into the analysis of findings.
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    An Overview of Forensic Linguistics:Language and the Law
    2011 (12):  32-44.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0296
    摘要 ( 138 )  
    In this paper I want to give some idea of the scope of Forensic linguistics and then provide some illustrative examples that result from the curious discursive encounters found in Australian Aboriginal land claims and Native Title cases.It is more usual in a courtroom or other legal context to have the particular discourse of lawyers coming into contact with that of laypersons.In Australian Aboriginal land claims and Native Title cases,however,there is a wider range of discursive practices.These include the discourse of Australian Aborigines some of whom are non-literate which is unused to non-Aboriginal people of any kind.As one would expect,there is the discourse of the law which purports to be on an inquiry to uncover the truth.But as we shall see,this ideology must be questioned when we look more closely at the practice of the law. There are then the discourses of various kinds of expert witnesses,including anthropologists,archaeologists,historians and linguists.To further complicate matters,a crucial part of these cases is for Aboriginal claimants to establish a spiritual connection to the tracts of land they are seeking to claim.In effect religious beliefs of a kind quite foreign to most of the nonAboriginal participants in the case must be examined,debated and evaluated,so this will require a search for other kinds of truth.
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    Inter-textual Vocabulary Growth Patterns for Marine Engineering English
    2011 (12):  45-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0294
    摘要 ( 223 )  
    This paper explores two fundamental issues concerning the inter-textual vocabulary growth patterns for Marine Engineering English,viz.vocabulary growth models and newly occurring vocabulary distributions in cumulative texts.On the basis of the DMMEE(Dalian Maritime University Marine Engineering English)corpus,four mathematical models(Brunet's, Guiraud's,Tuldava's,and Herdan's models)are tested against the empirical vocabulary growth curve for Marine Engineering English.A new growth model based on the logarithmic function and the power law is presented.The theoretical mean vocabulary size and the 95% upper and lower bound values are calculated and plotted as functions of the sample size.Being significant in explicit EFL teaching and learning,the new growth model can make accurate estimates not only on the vocabulary size and its intervals for a given textbook but also on the volume of texts that are needed to produce a particular vocabulary size.
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    Review of Meaning,Discourse and Society
    2011 (12):  60-66.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0293
    摘要 ( 226 )  
    In Meaning,Discourse and Society,Teubert explains how a reality can be constructed in discourse. The central stance is that the discourse-external reality is just shapeless and meaningless stuff,and what people talk about in both verbal communication and written texts are actually the objects they have created
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    Person of the Issue
    2011 (12):  68.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.a0295
    摘要 ( 125 )  
    A research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris since1979, Franqois Recanati has taught in several major universities around the world,
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