Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 106-114.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2022.06.013

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Comments on Three Hot Issues of Business English Development

WENG Jingle(), WENG Fengxiang()   

  • Online:2022-12-28 Published:2022-12-02


As Business English Studies (BES) finds its way to go mature,there appears in foreign language circle such issue as “Is it necessary to found BES?” This paper focuses on the three carefully-selected and more attentive hot issues to illustrate, aiming to clarify the three issues and justify the existence of BES and the likelihood of founding BES. By carrying out research into the development history of modern BES,the paper first discusses the necessity of founding BES and argues that BES, as an objective phenomenon, has been existing. Afterwards, it explores the 11 conditions of founding BES with the findings that the said conditions are basically met. In the end, the paper compares BES with English language and literature discipline before illustrating the uniqueness of the research object, research contents and research methods of BES, further distinguishing the differences between BES and English language and literature discipline.

Key words: hot issues Business, English, Business English Studies (BES)

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