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    25 September 2014, Volume 1 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Orginal Article
    Review of Single-Point Mooring System of FPSO
    Jian-hui XIE, Liao-quan YANG
    2014, 1 (3):  189-194. 
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    We summarize the single-point mooring systems of floating production storage and offloading system (FPSO). The review covers catenary anchor leg mooring system, single anchor leg mooring, soft yoke mooring system, external turret mooring system, and internal turret mooring system. In the end, the application prospects of FPSO for domestic deepwater oil and gas resources development are given.

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    Risk Evaluation Research of Subsea Oil and Gas Pipeline Stability
    Zi-peng ZHOU, Guo-min SUN, Ning HE
    2014, 1 (3):  195-199. 
    Abstract ( 262 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (814KB) ( 359 )  

    Pipeline stability is an important parameter of subsea pipeline service. In order to ensure the safe operation of the subsea oil and gas pipeline, so as to a chieve the safe production and sustainable development of subsea oil and gas field, risk evaluation of the subsea pipeline is required. research the technical methodology of subsea pipeline stability risk evaluation based on the worldwide standard and engineering experience. Firstly, four objects are described regarding to the risk evaluation, i.e., risk recognition, result evaluation, frequency analysis and risk matrix. Then the risk condition and evaluation methodology of subsea oil and gas pipeline stability are researched. Finally, the risk factors of subsea oil and gas pipeline stability are summarized based on the particularity of subsea pipeline. The semiquantitative evaluation method and qualitative evaluation method are used for subsea oil and gas pipeline stability risk evaluation. The results can be used for improving the accuracy of oil and gas pipeline risk assessment and promoting the related technical progress in.

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    Study on Oil Spill Risk Management and Prevention for Single-Point Mooring Systems
    Yun-fei WANG, Da-gang ZHANG, Yong-tian KANG, Hao JIN
    2014, 1 (3):  200-206. 
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    Considering the complex working environment and the high risk of oil spill of single-point mooring systems, it is necessary to do risk evaluation and establish the corresponding monitoring, maintenance, supervision and management system for the whole work flow which includes people, various equipment, environment and so on. We study the single-point mooring system with failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and investigate the oil tanker with fault tree analysis (FTA). Through the analysis of the single-point mooring system, the key parts failure modes and the reasons and effects of the failure are obtained. Through the FTA, we get the various basic events that may cause the oil spill. On the basis of the analysis, we can make relevant maintenance policy and supervision and management measures to reduce the risk of oil spill.

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    Analysis and Advice on Impact Factors of Outfitting Weight Reduction for Offshore Fixed Platform Living Quarters Module
    Jie SONG, Lian XU, Chun-meng LI
    2014, 1 (3):  207-212. 
    Abstract ( 234 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 160 )  

    With the continuous development of Chinese offshore engineering towards deeper water, more attention is paid to the economy of offshore platforms. The weight of an offshore platform is an important factor that influences its economy. The weight of platform topside greatly influences the weight of the sub-structure, while living quarters is one of the most important parts of the topside. After analyzing all kinds of cabin furniture and outfitting materials of a 90-person living quarters, it is pointed out that the rational utilization of light-weight and good-performance new materials can reduce the overall outfitting weight, which in turn leads to the weight reduction of the platform topside and consequently improves the economy performance of the sub-structure.

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    Research of Numerical Algorithms for Structure's Fatigue Assessment in Random Waves Based on Fracture Mechanics
    Yan-kun YIN, Shi CHEN, Ting-qian LI
    2014, 1 (3):  213-217. 
    Abstract ( 246 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 199 )  

    Paris law gives a simple formula for offshore structure's fatigue assessment with fracture mechanics method. However, the input "stress" data are complex, because the offshore structure's response under random waves is complex. For structures exposed under long-term waves, it is important to find a numerical algorithm which is efficient, accurate and safe for calculating fatigue life. Structure's response stress is a random variable, so its equivalent constant value can be investigated for efficiency,and its loading sequence under long-term waves should be investigated for conservation.

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    Bundled Pipes in Deep Water Field Development
    Meng WANG, Guo-min SUN
    2014, 1 (3):  218-222. 
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    We present the study on two type bundle systems currently applied in deep water field development: pipeline bundles and riser bundles. General description of structure type, components function, design requirements, and fabrication and installation methods are discussed. A review of the similarities and differences between the two systems is presented. These practical examples of bundle systems can provide reference for the deep water field development in China.

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    Design of Static Bend Stiffener for Flexible Pipes
    Lan LI, Yin-na ZHANG
    2014, 1 (3):  223-226. 
    Abstract ( 437 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF (1609KB) ( 261 )  

    With the localization of flexible pipes, more and more oil fields use the flexible pipe as conveying flowline. End fitting whose function is to connect the pipe sections is a rigid structure, while the pipe body is flexible, there is a stiffness mutation between them. When subjected to a large bending moment, the pipe body will be damaged, so it is necessary to set a bend stiffener between the pipe and the end fitting. To design a bend stiffener, an applicable material should be selected. We use polyurethane elastomer as the principal material for the bend stiffener. Besides, some steel interface structures are requisite. We mainly introduce a static bend stiffener design. It can protect the pipe during installation and overboarding.

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    Deepwater Pipeline Arrestor Design Study
    Xu LI, Qing LI, Ying ZHANG
    2014, 1 (3):  227-229. 
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    In this paper, we mainly study the deepwater subsea pipeline arrestor design, and give the space calculation method for arrestors. The arrestor design includes wall thickness calculation and layout space calculation. The wall thickness design always follows the method given by the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) standard. However, there is no specific method for the space calculation in standards. Based on the analysis on pipe procurement and installation economical efficiency and risk assessment, we give a method for space calculation. This method has been successfully used in Liuhua pipeline project.

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    Dynamic Simulation Research on Deepwater Gate Valve Actuator Based on SimulationX
    Hong-lin ZHAO, Xin WANG, Xuan XIAO, Jue WANG, Long-chuan GUO, Meng-lan DUAN
    2014, 1 (3):  230-233. 
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    Deepwater gate valve actuator is the power component to control the switch of deepwater gate valve via a hydraulic way. On account of special working conditions and the structure characteristics of the deepwater gate valve actuator, the dynamical model of the deepwater gate valve actuator under the hydraulic control is established considering the damping effects of the flow guide hole, and the SimulationX software is used for dynamic simulation. By analyzing and comparing the simulation results, the feasibility of the simulation is verified. The results can provide reference for the optimization design and dynamic characteristics research of the deepwater gate valve actuator.

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    Buoyance and Resistance Study on HYSWATH Model Test
    Ya-dong LIU
    2014, 1 (3):  234-239. 
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    The model test of hydrofoil small waterplane area twin-hull ship (HYSWATH) scheme developed in this paper is carried out to get the buoyance and resistance performances. Various characteristics of the total resistance, draft and trim with different ship speeds, locations of hydrofoils, attack angles of foils and locations of the center of gravity of ship have been measured and analyzed. The results of the model test prove that the buoyance and resistance performances of HYSWATH model are very good. The location of hydrofoils, attack angles of foils and location of the center of gravity of ship influence the resistance and velaity of the HYSWATH, and improve the resistance pertormance of HYSWATH in transitive state.

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    Connection Between Tunnel Section and Installation Vessel During Floating Transportation Process
    Xiao-tao HUA, Ke-geng HE, Mei-yu DONG
    2014, 1 (3):  240-244. 
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    Tunnel section installation vessel is a special engineering ship which is used in tunnel section installation under the water. During the transportation, the vessel needs to be tied with the tunnel sections so as to decrease the impact of current force and save the site connection time. According to the structural characteristics of tunnel sections and installation vessel, a reliable method is designed. The method is verified through checking calculation. It can provide certain reference for the engineering staff.

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    Electric Propulsion System Design of 350 t Self-Propelled Floating Crane
    Yong WEN
    2014, 1 (3):  245-248. 
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    The electric propulsion system design of 350 t self-propelled floating crane is introduced. The following aspects are covered: the main function and basic demands of this vessel; power system design, including configuration of generator sets and structure of main switchboard; equipment selection of electric propulsion system and harmonic control method; electric propulsion control system design; power management system design.

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    Application of Fiber Reinforced Composites in Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration
    Zhi-shuang DAI, Ping-na SONG, Zhi-tao GAO, Hong-xuan WANG, Li-li GONG, Xing CHEN
    2014, 1 (3):  249-253. 
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    Along with the sharp decrement of oil and gas resources on land and in neritic regions, offshore oil and gas exploration has been developed to the deep water, especially the depth of 1500~3000 m. Therefore, the requirements of materials with light weight and high strength which can withstand harsh marine environment are imminent. Fiber reinforced composite is one of the best choices for the exploration of subsea oil fields because of its advantages including light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, and fatigue resistance. The applications of fiber reinforced composites mainly focus on the tensile armour layer of unbonded flexible riser and the rehabilitation offshore steel pipe. In addition, fiber reinforced composites are widely used in the oil sucker rod and mooring system. The fiber reinforced composites can provide reliable material support for the development of oil and gas field in deep water.

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    Applications of Wind and Solar Energy DC Grid on Island
    Qiang MA, Li ZHANG, Gang XIAO, Ming CHEN, Ting-fu YAN
    2014, 1 (3):  254-257. 
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    An independent direct current (DC) grid power system on an isolated island is constructed, bringing together three wind turbines and one set of solar power installation. With different combinations of the new energy power generation devices in the DC grid, the 600 V DC busbar and network solution is verified successfully. This wind and solar energy DC grid system ensures a higher conversion efficiency, and helps to protect the stability of the new energy power system and increase the output power quality. Ultimately, the overall requirements of the project can be satisfied. This research can provide solutions to the future new energy multi-power systems.

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    Application of SmartPlant Spoolgen Combined with CMS in Pipeline Fabrication Design of Offshore Oil Engineering
    Jiang-hui YANG, Yong-chun XIE, Guang DU, Xiao-hua JIANG, Xiao-gang ZHANG, Geng XU, Jia WANG
    2014, 1 (3):  258-262. 
    Abstract ( 683 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF (4332KB) ( 349 )  

    With the technological developments of offshore platform and modularization factory, process pipelines become more and more complex, and account for an increasingly high proportion. How effectively the three-dimensional (3D) model data are transferred to the fabrication design has become a common problem. Traditionally, computer-aided design (CAD) software is used for pipe cutting, but because this method has low work efficiency and cannot avoid manual errors, it is not able to meet the requirements of short construction period and strict material control. We introduce a new method for pipeline breaking using the Spoolgen software, and briefly give the spool precast management workflow performed with construction management system (CMS). This research will provide reference for the fabrication design of offshore oil platform and modularization factories.

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    LNG Fueled Ship Filling Technology
    Jiang-hui YANG
    2014, 1 (3):  263-266. 
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    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a kind of clean energy, which has obvious advantages in safety, economy, environmental protection and other aspects. LNG will become the preferred fuel for ships in the future. Based on the comparison of domestic and foreign LNG fueled ship's filling standards, the comprehensive research about the LNG filling process, filling type, filling particularity, as well as the construction scheme and scale of the filling station are completed to ensure the safety of filling operations. Filling scheme and application principle capable of inland river and coastal LNG fueled ships are abstracted. The results can provide a certain reference for the promotion and application of the LNG fueled ship filling technology in China.

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